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Test Coverage
"use strict";

var _ = require("underscore");
var assert = require("assert");
var misc = require("../misc.js");

function operatorMatcher(operator, validOperators) {
  if (operator === "?") {
    return function () { return {}; };
  } else if (operator[0] === "?") {
    operator = operator.substr(1);
    return function (op) {
      var res = {};
      res[operator] = op;
      return res;
  } else {
    assert(_.contains(validOperators, operator), operator + " is not valid operator");
    return function (op) {
      return op === operator ? {} : undefined;

var validBinaryOperators = [
  "+", "-", "*", "/", "%",
  "<<", ">>", ">>>",
  "<", ">", "<=", ">=",
  "==", "!=", "===", "!==",
  "&", "|", "^",
  "instanceof", "in",

var validLogicOperators = [
  "&&", "||",

var validUnaryOperators = [
  "!", "~", "+", "-",
  "typeof", "delete", "void",

var validUpdateOperators = [
  "++", "--",

var validAssignmentOperators = [
  "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=",
  "<<=", ">>=", ">>>=",
  "&=", "|=", "^=",

var unaryOperators = _.difference(validUnaryOperators, validBinaryOperators);

// "TODO: , == SequenceExpression"

  #### (binary op lhs rhs)

  Matches `BinaryExpression`.

  Also shorthand syntax is supported, `(+ a b)` is the same as `(binary + a b)`.

  #### (logical op lhs rhs)

  Matches `LogicalExpression`. ie. `&&` and `||` operators.
function binaryAssignMatcher(ratorName, validOperators, exprType, operator, lhs, rhs) {
  /* jshint validthis:true */
  var that = this;
  that.assertArguments(ratorName, 3, arguments, 3);

  operator = operator || "?";
  lhs = lhs || "?";
  rhs = rhs || "?";

  assert(_.isString(operator), ratorName + " operator should be string expr");

  var opMatcher = operatorMatcher(operator, validOperators);
  var lhsMatcher = that.matcher(lhs);
  var rhsMatcher = that.matcher(rhs);

  return misc.nodeMatcher(exprType, function (node) {
    var opM = opMatcher(node.operator);
    var lhsM = lhsMatcher(node.left);
    var rhsM = rhsMatcher(node.right);

    return that.combineMatches(opM, lhsM, rhsM);

var binaryMatcher = _.partial(binaryAssignMatcher, "binary", validBinaryOperators, "BinaryExpression");
var logicalMatcher = _.partial(binaryAssignMatcher, "logical", validLogicOperators, "LogicalExpression");

  #### (unary op value)

  Matches `UnaryExpression`.

  Also shorthand version works for `!` and `~`: `(~ ?foo)` is the same as `(unary ~ ?foo)`.
function unaryMatcher(operator, value) {
  /* jshint validthis:true */
  var that = this;
  that.assertArguments("unary", 2, arguments, 1);

  operator = operator || "?";
  value = value || "?";

  assert(_.isString(operator), "unary operator should be string expr");

  var opMatcher = operatorMatcher(operator, validUnaryOperators);
  var valueMatcher = that.matcher(value);

  return misc.nodeMatcher("UnaryExpression", function (node) {
    var opM = opMatcher(node.operator);
    var valueM = valueMatcher(node.argument);

    return that.combineMatches(opM, valueM);

  #### (update op value)

  Matches `UpdateExpression`.

  You might want to use `postfix` and `prefix` though.
function updateMatcher(prefix, operator, value) {
  /* jshint validthis:true */
  var that = this;
  that.assertArguments("update/postfix/prefix", 2, arguments, 1);

  operator = operator || "?";
  value = value || "?";

  assert(_.isString(operator), "update operator should be string expr");

  var opMatcher = operatorMatcher(operator, validUpdateOperators);
  var valueMatcher = that.matcher(value);

  return misc.nodeMatcher("UpdateExpression", function (node) {
    if (prefix !== undefined && node.prefix !== prefix) { return undefined; }

    var opM = opMatcher(node.operator);
    var valueM = valueMatcher(node.argument);

    return that.combineMatches(opM, valueM);

  #### (assign op var value)

  Matches `AssignmentExpression`.
var assignMatcher = _.partial(binaryAssignMatcher, "assign", validAssignmentOperators, "AssignmentExpression");

exports.binary = binaryMatcher;
exports.logical = logicalMatcher;
exports.unary = unaryMatcher;
exports.update = _.partial(updateMatcher, undefined);
exports.prefix = _.partial(updateMatcher, true);
exports.postfix = _.partial(updateMatcher, false);
exports.assign = assignMatcher;

_.each(validBinaryOperators, function (binop) {
  exports[binop] = _.partial(binaryMatcher, binop);

_.each(unaryOperators, function (unop) {
  exports[unop] = _.partial(unaryMatcher, unop);

_.each(validAssignmentOperators, function (assignOp) {
  exports[assignOp] = _.partial(assignMatcher, assignOp);