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Test Coverage

namespace App\Values;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable;
use Laravel\Sanctum\NewAccessToken;

 * A "composition token" consists of two tokens:
 * - an API token, which has all abilities
 * - an audio token, which has only the "audio" ability i.e. to play and download audio files. This token is used for
 * the audio player on the frontend as part of the GET query string, and thus has limited privileges.
 * This approach helps prevent the API token from being logged by servers and proxies.
final class CompositionToken implements Arrayable
    private function __construct(public string $apiToken, public string $audioToken)

    public static function fromAccessTokens(NewAccessToken $api, NewAccessToken $audio): self
        return new self($api->plainTextToken, $audio->plainTextToken);

     * @return array<string, string>
    public function toArray(): array
        return [
            'token' => $this->apiToken,
            'audio-token' => $this->audioToken,