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# Phapi Exception

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Package contains a set of exceptions matching HTTP error responses. Phapi will take care of logging the error and sending a proper error response when throwing these exceptions.

## Installation
The package is installed by default by the Phapi framework. Installing the package to use is separately can be done by using composer:

$ composer require phapi/exception:1.*

## Included exceptions
* BadGateway
* BadRequest
* Conflict
* Forbidden
* Gone
* InternalServerError
* Locked
* MethodNotAllowed
* NotAcceptable
* NotFound
* NotImplemented
* PaymentRequired
* RequestEntityTooLarge
* RequestTimeout
* ServiceUnavailable
* TooManyRequests
* Unauthorized
* UnprocessableEntity
* UnsupportedMediaType

## License
Phapi Exception is licensed under the MIT License - see the []( file for details

## Contribute
Contribution, bug fixes etc are [always welcome](