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# Changelog

## [0.8.0](

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- update psalm to 5.16 [\#36]( (@kpicaza)
- update php versions support [\#35]( (@kpicaza)

## [0.7.2]( (2023-10-15)

[Full Changelog](

## [0.7.1]( (2022-12-12)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- \[symfony-toggle\#44\] update dependency constraints to ^0.7 [\#32]( (@kpicaza)

## [0.7.0]( (2022-12-10)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- \[\#359\] Add PHP 8.2 support [\#29]( (@kpicaza)
- update dev dependencies [\#26]( (@kpicaza)

## [0.5.0]( (2022-08-12)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- bump interdependencies to ^0.5 [\#25]( (@kpicaza)

## [0.4.0]( (2022-07-25)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- \[toggle-crud-psr7-api\] Update issue template for bugs using new issue form in a YAML file [\#5](
- Improve assertion methods call for consistency [\#17]( (@peter279k)

**Merged pull requests:**

- allow executing some composer plugins in dev mode [\#21]( (@kpicaza)
- \[\#5\] Update Bug Report Template [\#18]( (@pcs289)

## [0.3.0]( (2021-11-21)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- \[toggle-crud-psr7-api\] Update PhpStan to version 1 and level 9 [\#10](
- \[toggle-crud-psr7-api\] Add PHP 8.1 support [\#8](
- \[\#8\] Add support for PHP 8.1 [\#15]( (@kpicaza)
- \[\#16\] small cleanups [\#14]( (@kpicaza)
- \[\#10\] Update PhpStan to version 1 and level 9 [\#11]( (@kpicaza)

**Closed issues:**

- \[toggle-crud-psr7-api\] update CI matrix PHP versions [\#12](
- Bump pheature-flags to ^0.2 [\#6](

**Merged pull requests:**

- \[\#8\] Bump deps to pheature-flags 0.3.0 [\#16]( (@kpicaza)
- \[\#12\] Run CI both PHP 7.4 and 8.0 [\#13]( (@kpicaza)

## [0.2.0]( (2021-10-09)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- \[\#6\] update pheature flags deps to ^0.2 [\#7]( (@kpicaza)
- Update infection/infection requirement from ^0.23.0 to ^0.23.0 || ^0.25.0 [\#4]( (@dependabot[bot])

## [v0.1.2]( (2021-09-25)

[Full Changelog](

## [v0.1.1]( (2021-06-20)

[Full Changelog](

## [0.1.0]( (2021-06-19)

[Full Changelog](

\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*