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# Contributing to Phergie

We welcome contributions.

## Team members

* [Matthew Turland]( - original author and adviser
* [Matthew Trask]( - contributor, co-maintainer
* [Joe Ferguson]( - contributor, co-maintainer

## Communication Channels

You can find help and discussion in the following places:

* Website: <>
* #phergie on Freenode: <>
* Github Issues: <>

## Community

The Phergie team believes heavily in the [PHP Mentoring](http://www.phpmentoring) project.
We believe open source projects should be welcoming to newcomers and veteran contributors alike.
We all actively work to provide a positive collaborative environment and to foster learning.

## Project Breakdown

The Phergie project is broken into different repositories for parts of the application.
The core bot is in this repo. Plugins are in their own repositories.

The Phergie team maintains many plugins under the Phergie organization while other contributors maintain their own plugins.

## Have Questions?

Feel free to open a issue on the appropriate repository, not sure? open an issue here.

Join us on the Freenode IRC network in channel #phergie

## Code Style

We have adopted [PSR-2]( as the primary style guide.

We have a `.php_cs` configuration file for [php-cs-fixer](

We have also established a few style guidelines we strive for:

* Four space indention
* Methods, Properties, and Variables should be camelCase
* Short array syntax
* K&R braces (including elseif/else)
* Chained method calls should be indented
* See [Our Style Discussion]( For more.

## Reporting Bugs

Bugs are tracked in our project's [issue tracker](

When submitting a bug report, please include enough information for us to reproduce the bug. A good bug report includes the following sections:

* Expected outcome
* Actual outcome
* Steps to reproduce, including sample code
* Any other information that will help us debug and reproduce the issue, including stack traces, system/environment information, and screenshots

**Please do not include passwords or any personally identifiable information in your bug report and sample code.**

## Fixing Bugs

We welcome pull requests to fix bugs!

If you see a bug report that you'd like to fix, please feel free to do so. Following the directions and guidelines described in the "Adding New Features" section below, you may create bugfix branches and send us pull requests.

## Credit

Thanks to [Ben Ramsey]( for sharing the awesome [ramesey/uuid contributing]( document (that we blatantly copied large portions of).