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namespace Caribou.Models
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using Newtonsoft.Json;
    using Caribou.Properties;
    using Caribou.Forms.Models;
    using Eto.Forms;

    /// <summary>
    /// A predefined list of major/common feature & subfeature pairings specified on the
    /// [OSM wiki]( These define *physical* properties
    /// </summary>
    public static class OSMPrimaryTypes
        private static Dictionary<string, OSMTag> KeysData;
        private static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> ValuesData;

        public static Dictionary<string, OSMTag> Keys
                if (KeysData == null)
                    KeysData = GetKeys();

                return KeysData;

        public static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> Values
                if (ValuesData == null)
                    ValuesData = GetValues();

                return ValuesData;

        public static TreeGridItemCollection GetTreeCollection()
            var selectableOSMs = new TreeGridItemCollection();
            var indexOfParents = new Dictionary<string, int>();

            var primaryFeatures = new List<OSMTag>(OSMPrimaryTypes.Keys.Values);
            for (var i = 0; i < primaryFeatures.Count; i++)
                var parentItem = new OSMTreeGridItem(primaryFeatures[i], 
                    0, 0, false, false);

                indexOfParents[primaryFeatures[i].Value] = i;

            var secondaryFeatures = OSMPrimaryTypes.Values;
            foreach (var keyValue in secondaryFeatures.Keys)
                var item = secondaryFeatures[keyValue];
                var parentItem = selectableOSMs[indexOfParents[item["key"]]] as OSMTreeGridItem;

                var childOSM = new OSMTag(item["value"], null, item["description"], parentItem.OSMData);
                var childItem = new OSMTreeGridItem(childOSM, 
                    int.Parse(item["nodes"]), int.Parse(item["ways"]), false, false);

                if (childItem.OSMData.Value == "yes")
                    parentItem.Children.Insert(0, childItem);

            return selectableOSMs;

        private static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> GetValues()
            var docString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Resources.PrimaryValuesData);
            var jsonValue = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Dictionary<string, string>>>(docString);
            var sortedValues = jsonValue.OrderBy(item => item["value"]).ToList();
            var jsonDict = sortedValues.ToDictionary(item => item["key"] + "=" + item["value"]);
            return jsonDict;

        private static Dictionary<string, OSMTag> GetKeys()
            return new Dictionary<string, OSMTag>()
                { "aerialway",  new OSMTag("aerialway", "Aerialway", "Forms of transportation for people or goods that use aerial wires, e.g. cable-cars & chair-lifts.") },
                { "aeroway",    new OSMTag("aeroway", "Aeroway", "Ground facilities  that support the operation of airplanes & helicopters, such as aerodromes & airfields.") },
                { "amenity",    new OSMTag("amenity", "Amenity", "Facilities used by visitors & residents. For example: toilets, telephones, banks, pharmacies, cafes, parking & schools.") },
                { "barrier",    new OSMTag("barrier", "Barrier", "A physical structure which blocks or impedes movement. The barrier tag only covers on-the-ground barriers, it does not cover waterway barriers (dams, waterfalls...).") },
                { "boundary",   new OSMTag("boundary", "Boundary", "Administrative bounds as well as other types of territories, such as a municipal limits, a national park, or a post code.") },
                { "building",   new OSMTag("building", "Building", "Individual buildings (e.g. a house) or groups of connected buildings (e.g. terrace housing).") },
                { "craft",      new OSMTag("craft", "Craft", "Produces or processors of small amounts of customised goods on demand, such as bakeries, carpenters, photographers, & wineries.") },
                { "emergency",  new OSMTag("emergency", "Emergency", "Emergency facilities & equipment, such as fire hydrants, sirens, lifeguard towers, or ambulance stations.") },
                { "geological", new OSMTag("geological", "Geological", "The geological makup of an area or location, such as an outcrop or volcanic vent.") },
                { "healthcare", new OSMTag("healthcare", "Healthcare", "Services delivered by a variety of different professionals in different types of facilities.") },
                { "highway",    new OSMTag("highway", "Highway", "Various forms of road & footpath, including different road types (e.g. motorway/cycleway), path types (e.g. stairs, sidewalks), & associated features (e.g. stop signs).") },
                { "historic",   new OSMTag("historic", "Historic", "Features of historic interest & the cause of interest. For example: battlefields, buildings, monuments, tombs.") },
                { "landuse",    new OSMTag("landuse", "Landuse", "The purpose for which an area of land is being used, such as commercial, farmyard, military, or port.") },
                { "leisure",    new OSMTag("leisure", "Leisure", "Places people go in their spare time. Includes fishing areas, dog parks, saunas, stadia, & dance halls.") },
                { "man_made",   new OSMTag("man_made", "Man Made", "Artificial structures that are distinctive landscape features, such as lighthouses, obelisks, breakwaters, & bridges.") },
                { "military",   new OSMTag("military", "Military", "Facilities & land used by any branch of any military, such as a naval base, checkpoint, or barracks.") },
                { "natural",    new OSMTag("natural", "Natural", "A variety of physical geography, geological, landcover, & biological features (even if they have been modified by humans). Includes trees, tundra, glaciers, & beaches.") },
                { "office",     new OSMTag("office", "Office", "A place of business for administrative or professional work. Classified by the type of worker, e.g. architects, educators, engineers, or lawyers.") },
                { "place",      new OSMTag("place", "Place", "A type of populated settlement, such as town, village, suburb, as well as unoccupied but identifiable areas at a variety of scales (e.g. an ocean or a plot of land).") },
                { "power",      new OSMTag("power", "Power", "Systems & things used to generate & distribute elecctrical power, such as generators, cables, & pylons.") },
                { "public_transport", new OSMTag("public_transport", "Public Transport", "Features that relate to public transport, such as bus stops & train stations.") },
                { "railway",    new OSMTag("railway", "Railway", "Linear tracks & their features for various types of rail-based transport, e.g. subway lines, tram lines, train platforms, level crossings, & subway entrances.") },
                { "route",      new OSMTag("route", "Route", "A customary or regular line of passage or travel of various different types. Includes: ferry routes, hiking routes, a sequences of railways.") },
                { "shop",       new OSMTag("shop", "Shop", "A business that has stocked goods for sale. Classified by the type of good (e.g. butcher, jetskis) or the type of building (e.g. mall)") },
                { "sport",      new OSMTag("sport", "Sport", "Notes which sports are played on/at a particular facility, e.g. akido or bobsleigh or yoga.") },
                { "telecom",    new OSMTag("telecom", "Telecom", "Places & things that create telecommunication systems, such as exchanges & data centers.") },
                { "tourism",    new OSMTag("tourism", "Tourism", "Places & things of specific interest to tourists, such as different types of sights (e.g. zoos, galleries); forms of accomodation (e.g. hotels, hostels); & info centers.") },
                { "water",      new OSMTag("water", "Water", "An area or body of water, such as lakes, reservoirs & ponds.") },
                { "waterway",   new OSMTag("waterway", "Waterway", "Linear water features, such as rivers, streams, drains, & ditches. Also includes related features, such as waterfalls & locks. Nominally aligned to direction of flow.") },
