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# Nens 

Backend Framework with Node, Express & SQL

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## Overview

Nens is a Backend Framework made with Node, Express & MySQL, where you can find an some packages complementary, like JWT, Nodemailer, Sharp & back securities  

## Summary

- [Nens](#nens)
  - [Overview](#overview)
  - [Summary](#summary)
  - [Download](#download)
  - [Package](#package)
  - [Installation](#installation)
  - [Configuration](#configuration)
  - [DataBase](#database)
  - [Usage](#usage)
  - [Content](#content)
  - [Documentation](#documentation)


## Download

[Use this Template](  
`git clone`  
[Latest Release](  


## Package

NPM : `npm i nens`  
Yarn : `yarn add nens`  

**If you choose to get Nens from NPM or Yarn : you need to copy Nens from *node_modules/nens* to the root of your App**


## Installation

Install the backend dependencies :  
`$ cd nens`  
`$ npm i`  


## Configuration

Configure the .env.example by replacing the values *(like DB, Mailer & Token)* :  
`.env.example` *(then rename it .env)*  

Your personal .env will be hidden in .gitignore automatically  


## DataBase

Import the database tables :  
`$ mysql -u root -p < app/DBTables.sql` or with a UI like phpMyAdmin  

Personally, I have another SQL file for data insertion, hidden in .gitignore  


## Usage

To run the backend server :  
`$ npm start`  

## Content

Available API Files :
-  **AuthCtrl, AuthRoute** *(Auth)*  
-  **UserModel, UserCtrl, UserRoute** *(Users)*  
-  **ProductModel, ProductCtrl, ProductRoute** *(Products)*  
-  **OrderModel, OrderCtrl, OrderRoute** *(Product Orders)*  
-  **ArticleModel, ArticleCtrl, ArticleRoute** *(Articles)*  
-  **ProjectModel, ProjectCtrl, ProjectRoute** *(Projects)*  
-  **LinkModel, LinkCtrl, LinkRoute** *(Links)*  
-  **GalleryModel, GalleryCtrl, GalleryRoute** *(Galleries)*  
-  **ImageModel, ImageCtrl, ImageRoute** *(Gallery Images)*  


## Documentation

Available Documentation :  
-  [**API**](