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| :exclamation: Maintainer needed :exclamation: |
| I'm looking for a benevolent maintainer for this library. I don't have the time anymore to evolve it. Until someone picks it up, it's stuck on previous version of

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# Auchandirect::ScrAPI

A ruby gem providing, through scrapping, an API to the french online grocery

![A screenshot of auchandirect](

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'auchandirect-scrAPI'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install auchandirect-scrAPI

## Status

~~This library should be production ready.~~
* It is automaticaly tested through [Travis](
* ~~It should be daily tested through [daily-travis]( to quickly detect modification at

## Usage

This API has 2 main features :
* walking the store to collect all the different items in the different subsections
* Connecting with a user account in order to fill his cart

It is not currently possible to pay and validate an order through this API. In order to do so, a user must :

1. first disconnect from the API
2. only then reconnect with his account through a browser, and order his pre-filled cart

### Sample usage

Suppose you'd want to fill your cart with all the pizzas available on the store, this is how you would do it :

cart = Auchandirect::ScrAPI::Cart.login('', 'password')


  Auchandirect::ScrAPI::Items.browse.categories.each do |cat|
    cat.categories.each do |s_cat|
      s_cat.categories.each do |ss_cat|
        ss_cat.items.each do |item|

          if item.attributes[:name] =~ /pizza/i




  ensure cart.logout



### Client side usage

In order to make it possible for a web browser to automaticaly connect to (for example in an iframe, to pay for a cart that was previously filled with this gem on the server), the Auchandirect::ScrAPI::Cart class exposes enough information to generate the html that makes this possible. You can have a look at spec/lib/auchandirect/scrAPI/client_cart_shared_examples.rb for more details. *This whole thing remains tricky and subject to failures though.*

### Mocking

In order to run quicker and offline tests for the rest of your app, you can use Auchandirect::ScrAPI::DummyCart in place of a real cart. This cart is compatible with Storexplore's dummy store generators (see

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

### Running the tests

* If you want to run the tests, you'll need valid auchandirect credentials. So first, head up to and create yourself an account if you don't yet have one.
* To run guard or rspec, you'll have to specify these credentials through environment variables :

```shell AUCHANDIRECT_TEST_PASSWORD=secret bundle exec rspec spec

* If you get tired of repeating this, you can create yourself a 'credentials' shell script at the root of the repo :

#!/bin/sh AUCHANDIRECT_TEST_PASSWORD=secret "$@"

* Make it exectuable ```chmod +x credentials```
* You can now simply run any command with your credentials

./credentials bundle exec rspec spec