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# Phobos Prometheus

A bundled Prometheus collector and exporter of Phobos metrics.

Exporter is a simple Sinatra app which can be mounted in eg a Rack App.

Collector initializes Prometheus metrics and sets up a subscribtion to certain Phobos events to keep monitor of your metrics

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'phobos_prometheus'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install phobos_prometheus

## Usage

**Step 1:** In phobos_boot.rb, configure the library by calling `PhobosPrometheus.configure` with
the path of your configuration file. Note that PhobosPrometheus expects Phobos.configure to have
been run since it is using Phobos.logger


**Step 2:** In phobos_boot.rb, add `PhobosPrometheus.subscribe` to setup tracking of Phobos metrics.

**Step 3:** In, mount the metrics endpoint:

    '/metrics' => PhobosPrometheus::Exporter,
    # ...

## Configuration

There are three major keys to consider: `counters`, `histograms` and `buckets`. You probably also
want to update `metrics_prefix` to differentiate between different consumer apps.

For a list of possible instrumentation events, see Phobos and PhobosDBCheckpoint.

### Counters

The `counters` section provides a list of instrumentation labels that you want to create counters
for. For example, in order to count the number of processed events:

  - instrumentation: listener.process_message

### Histograms

The `histograms` section provides a list of instrumentation labels that you want to create
histograms for. Histograms are a bit more complex as they require bin sizes, these can be named and referenced via `bucket_name`

For example, in order to count the duration of processed events:

  - instrumentation: listener.process_message
    bucket_name: message

The example above assumes you have defined a bucket with name `message`, see below.

### Buckets

The `buckets` section provides a definition of bucket sizes having named labels that you need to
reference for configuring histograms.

To connect with the bucket example above, we need to create a bucket named `message` e.g:

  - name: message
      - 5
      - 10
      - 25
      # - ...

### Gauges

The `gauges` section provides a list of bi-directional gauges. The provided `label` will be used as the prometheus label, and a counter with this label will be incremented on any event matching the instrumentation label given in `increment` and decremented by events matching `decrement`.

In order to count the number of active handlers, one could do this:

  - label: number_of_handlers
    increment: listener.start_handler
    decrement: listener.stop_handler

## Dashboard

This section provides some inspiration to get your Grafana dashboards up and running.

The expressions are recommended to be added as Prometheus rules, providing views that grafana can use. But you can use the expressions directly in Grafana as well.

Total processed messages per 1min:

record: <<your app name here>>_process_message_total:per_min
expr: (sum by(job, handler, group_id) (increase(<<your app name here>>_listener_process_message_total[1m])))

Total processed batches per 1min:

record: account:overview_consumer_process_batch_total:per_min
expr: (sum by(job, handler, group_id) (increase(<<your app name here>>_listener_process_batch_total[1m])))

99th percentile of process message duration:

record: account:overview_consumer_process_message_duration:p99
expr: (histogram_quantile(0.99, sum by(job, handler, group_id, le) (increase(<<your app name here>>_listener_process_message_duration_bucket[5m]))))

## Development

After checking out the repo, run `bundle install` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to
run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new
version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which
will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at