

0 mins
Test Coverage
package core_domain

import (

type CodeFunction struct {
    Name            string
    ReturnType      string
    MultipleReturns []CodeProperty
    Parameters      []CodeProperty
    FunctionCalls   []CodeCall
    Override        bool
    Annotations     []CodeAnnotation

    IsConstructor bool // todo: move to extension
    IsReturnNull  bool // todo: move to extension

    Modifiers       []string
    InnerStructures []CodeDataStruct
    InnerFunctions  []CodeFunction
    Extension       interface{}
    Position        CodePosition

func (m *CodeFunction) BuildSingleReturnType(typeType string) *CodeProperty {
    return &CodeProperty{
        TypeType: typeType,

func NewJMethod() CodeFunction {
    return CodeFunction{}

func (m *CodeFunction) IsJavaLangReturnType() bool {
    return m.ReturnType == "String" || m.ReturnType == "int" || m.ReturnType == "float" || m.ReturnType == "void" || m.ReturnType == "char" || m.ReturnType == "double"

func (m *CodeFunction) IsStatic() bool {
    return string_helper.StringArrayContains(m.Modifiers, "static")

func (m *CodeFunction) IsGetterSetter() bool {
    return strings.HasPrefix(m.Name, "set") || strings.HasPrefix(m.Name, "get")

func (m *CodeFunction) BuildFullMethodName(node CodeDataStruct) string {
    return node.Package + "." + node.NodeName + "." + m.Name

func (m *CodeFunction) GetAllCallString() []string {
    var calls []string
    for _, call := range m.FunctionCalls {
        if call.NodeName != "" {
            calls = append(calls, call.BuildFullMethodName())
    return calls

func (m *CodeFunction) IsJunitTest() bool {
    var isTest = false
    for _, annotation := range m.Annotations {
        if annotation.IsIgnoreOrTest() {
            isTest = true
    return isTest