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Test Coverage
# [1.1.0]( (2020-11-01)

### Bug Fixes

* add is scully for use intro for server side ([e355245](
* add width for process table && fixed [#198]( ([d884227](
* change arrow func to default ([6d1625d](
* change path to devops to table && fixed [#170]( ([119685e](
* fix code styles issue ([4d0d88c](
* fix compile webpack import warning ([82a7db9](
* fix contetntt issue ([d31f8e7](
* fix data empty issue ([264dc73](
* fix default routing issue for checklist ([9a3f35b](
* fix default value issue ([38af640](
* fix encode not replace all issue ([2f0660e](
* fix encoding issue && fixed [#200]( ([7d89204](
* fix guide not display issue ([e5bd9b2](
* fix height issue for checklist && fixed [#207]( ([091a21a](
* fix import issue ([b0dfe78](
* fix lint ([bbf34cd](
* fix lost elements ([3004f5a](
* fix maturity height issue ([f27d6cb](
* fix route bug && fxied [#209]( ([7517be7](
* fix testing for maturity ([4028397](
* fix think tank link issue ([a5edfae](
* fix translation issue ([53cf7bf](
* fix typo ([17c2fc2](
* 补充书名号 ([6650d6a](
* **render:** add more langs ([57bde61](
* **render:** fix highlight issue ([0b6c6c7](
* fix merge error in [#8]( ([1ad3791](, closes [#8af99e6](
* fix testing ([545b2fe](
* fix testing ([c42d909](
* fix testt ([5151889](
* fix tranlsate tion issue ([b6b55d2](
* fix ttesing ([e3636e6](
* fix typo ([97891ee](
* fix typo ([76297e8](
* fix url config issue for scully ([a02f1e5](
* update scully viewport config for [#138]( ([6665258](

### Features

* add backend-skilltree ([a297edb](
* add front-end skilltree ([b9888d0](
* add front-end skilltree ([#208]( ([08c7870](
* add nodejs checklist ([af1d6cb](
* add storage last value for editor ([20778ed](
* init ci practises ([0fb7dcf](
* use CODING DevOps to deploy in China ([5925b1f](, closes [#180](
* **featmat:** change estylese ([757064a](
* **heatmap:** init featmap xaxis yaxis ([dd131ad](
* **heatmap:** make chart styles working ([78719e8](
* **heatmap:** make it works ([a68335b](
* **intro:** add basic intro for ledge && closed [#194]( ([7e137db](
* **intro:** add shepherd for [#194]( ([cf2f2bc](
* **intro:** init guide module for [#194]( ([aa5fb68](
* **maturity:** add option for hidden radar legend ([251630d](
* **maturity:** add style support for radar chart ([aba278f](
* **radar:** add default legend for radar with [#201]( ([5f9c203](
* **render:** add basic layout for maturity ([c6edd69](
* **render:** add config for tree ([276b206](
* **render:** add d3 to ttree for [#83]( ([abc6361](
* **render:** init maturity component ([8efaf05](
* **render:** init maturity rating module ([9660a5b](
* **render:** initt tree component ([20e2b01](
* **render:** make default to no collapse ([5d4b072](
* **render:** make itt works ([8232fee](
* **render:** make maturity works ([e6ff505](
* **translate:** use webpack loader replace http loader for [#123]( ([a476c12](
* **view:** make it works for [#123]( ([0caf33a](
* **view:** move render to view ([adbbbac](
* add edit icon for multiple render for [#184]( ([7d5724a](
* add edit icon for single render for [#184]( ([82c7978](
* **render:** make single pass parameter works ([a2f86b6](
* **render:** support target blank for link ([256942b](

### Reverts

* Revert "refactor: refactor think tank" ([cb0ffc5](

# [1.0.0]( (2020-05-05)

### Bug Fixes

* **ledge-pipeline:** ledge-pipeline default configuration ([0ca5e91](, closes [#58](
* **ledge-pipeline:** ledge-pipeline default configuration ([f8c1f30](, closes [#58](
* comment code for testing ([41daeca](
* delete old file && fixed [#164]( ([27f3c9a](
* distinguish two different devops docs ([4f884b5](
* error words ([f5943c1](
* fix attr issue for d3 ([04ef77a](
* fix checklist warining issue ([74884b0](
* fix compile warning ([ef85bcd](
* fix data issue for testing ([7bde871](
* fix helper import order issue ([3baa736](
* fix markdown letter spacing ([5405e23](
* fix maturiy item issue ([770643c](
* fix menu hidden issue ([bc00704](
* fix menu issue for [#139]( ([01ed7b9](
* fix min height for [#84]( ([474b7bf](
* fix radar resize issue ([ec9bdcd](
* fix render fdesc issue ([3fa8408](
* fix render import module issue ([9df6938](
* fix reset issue for [#84]( ([4a2cc42](
* fix return issue ([e0e216e](
* fix teesting ([1456f68](
* fix test ([4aef4bf](
* fix test for markdown render' ([881decd](
* fix testing ([ee1d509](
* fix testing ([42b3606](
* fix testing duplicate issued ([bad62b7](
* fix testing issue ([f5de453](
* fix testing issue ([b28bba1](
* fix toc for tool page ([88be219](
* fix typo ([4595a64](
* fix typo ([750d5ad](
* fix typo ([6b37e50](
* fix typo ([74a5a8d](
* fix value issue ([3984b74](
* fix view config issue ([1d7f840](
* fixed issue [#117]( ([423216a](
* import issue ([192eb31](
* remove unused item styles ([358e3a2](
* **seo:** fix title issues for checklists ([250fdd0](
* fxi build ([9d6ab6d](
* job loading spinner ([3725700](
* set default value for maturity && fixed [#144]( ([7757301](

### Features

* **fishbone:** add config for height & width ([fa95d63](
* **fishbone:** make defs works ([cdf7c4d](
* **fishbone:** make it works ([a48e3db](
* **fishbone:** use reallyy data ([c4e7586](
* **job:** create job with github api ([f7a7113](
* **ledge-pipeline:** add pipeline chart ([9f1a013](, closes [#58](
* add cloudbase content ([9cff62e](
* add cloudbase into resource ([30fc578](
* add link to job ([6729fc3](
* add symbol to render ([e2bde7e](
* add virtual scroll for [#114]( ([38da6bd](
* add zoom for skilltree for [#168]( ([6469d44](
* fix fishbone issue ([2492d64](
* init fish bone module for [#22]( ([6b2b897](
* init fishbone ([bf80ce4](
* init skill-tree ([bee32b2](
* init sunburrts ([cd82969](
* make basic works ([bd7a2d3](
* make drag works for [#84]( ([5ffc2db](
* make scroll content sync menu works ([6e5c954](
* support api-security checklist ([ef7503a](
* try to render fish bone ([a41ae4d](
* update checklist route for [#168]( ([8f80055](
* update sames ([011a5ac](
* **component:ledge-mermaid:** add support mermaid ([5f611c6](
* **job:** add work year required ([b1653a6](
* **job:** init module & page for future design ([6ba65a0](
* **jobpage:** get job info from issue comments ([af4c9d8](
* **ledge-render:** open all links in new windows ([a5bf51e](
* **render:** add new line support for ledge pyramid ([cc90dfb](
* **render:** make scroll enable ([66d6ffd](
* **render:** make virtual scroller works for [#114]( ([6848e76](
* **render:** support for checked && fixed [#145]( ([0b4c364](

### Reverts

* Revert "chore: test no ssg performance" ([e0125cf](
* Revert "refactor: remove unused mermaid styles" ([b5d6569](

## [0.9.10]( (2020-04-20)

### Bug Fixes

* add something about Gitea,GitHub,Git,Jenkins,Travis CI and JUnit. ([91d8a81](
* change menu a to menu botton for [#116]( ([dd58c14](
* fix [#120]( ([b973b81](
* fix design design ops height issue ([cee0a2f](
* fix example color issue ([e483df7](
* fix home container issue ([3367266](
* fix home styles issue ([06e6afe](
* fix home ui issue ([2b9cd74](
* fix homepage height issue ([c6f420a](
* fix homepage height issue ([aa6537d](
* fix homepage table i18n issue ([806099e](
* fix html element issue ([678d639](
* fix maturity layout isseu ([54069e0](
* fix ngmodel duplicated issue ([8bfd9eb](
* fix routing typo ([b8e9e67](
* fix styles issue ([4cd0567](
* fix tech radar chart issue ([e54f9b9](
* fix testing ([eecc2f0](
* fix toolbar lost shawdow issue && fixed [#110]( ([587e68c](
* rename language menu tag && fixed [#116]( ([8543c38](
* set default lange to root module for [#115]( ([d0c3a4a](

### Features

* **view:** init module ([d3d74bf](
* support for multiple think tank ([f6ccb2f](
* **tool:helper:** support markdown code style ([6fe1082](, closes [#112](
* add basic reponsive for menu ([c18441d](
* init ledge-checklist ([c3855e3](
* init mobile ([5229f67](
* **seo:** update title for study ([7c10267](
* add books support for periodic table ([1792ecb](
* add hover support for tech radar ([8438336](
* init partners module ([c44798e](
* intergration agile checklists ([437246c](
* make checklists enable move to tab ([5ee459e](
* make first relase for future log change ([9998507](

## [0.9.9]( (2020-04-15)

### Bug Fixes

* add link to home module ([ae76903](
* adjust height for [#83]( ([7b59c1f](
* change height for notoc && fixed [#77]( ([2388ac3](
* chart issue for [#94]( ([98cce26](
* disable pie animate && fixed [#94]( ([e545d3c](
* disable service worker ([eb99ac6](
* fix checklist json issue ([2072d40](
* fix checkstyles issue ([9628fb4](
* fix click issue for tech radar for [#109]( ([cbeab6d](
* fix column empty issue ([abf663b](
* fix data issue ([bc7a1d3](
* fix default routing issue ([134d9c9](
* fix header issue for [#71]( ([a6fe7ee](
* fix home items issues ([01c5dda](
* fix home module test ([8e7635a](
* fix home typoe ([93f5645](
* fix i18n logic not save issue ([376d63f](
* fix import issue ([d51b449](
* fix layout issue for [#101]( && fixed [#71]( ([9224412](
* fix mindmap toolbox issue ([08f49b3](
* fix quote issue in table for [#94]( ([bc607cc](
* fix radar change issue ([59458ef](
* fix radar node click issue ([7b86a2b](
* fix rename issue ([6ca5166](
* fix render nex line issue ([c802336](
* fix routing issue ([c4a5db2](
* fix some translate issue ([91d7fe2](
* fix table step arrow left issue && fixed [#105]( ([40165cc](
* fix tech radar size more than 4 issue for [#109]( ([dbeeb81](
* fix test ([167bd23](
* fix test issue ([4eb3ead](
* fix typo ([4e7c56c](
* fix typo ([a234b54](
* hidden label line for [#67]( ([42881e5](
* make arrow to center && fixed [#88]( ([3db59ec](
* make menu item in one line [#82]( ([e25a496](
* modifier color for tech radar && fixed [#109]( ([9d562f4](
* remove old images ([9ea684c](
* remove virtual scroll for helper ([a69ddff](
* replace symbol for encode issue && fxied [#103]( ([38526ad](
* table-step style ([31cca96](
* test property 'children' of null ([24d9b52](
* update colors for circle ([650ceb1](
* **ledge-table-step:** hide final card arrow ([630712c](
* [#32]( add basic ol fixed ([77ac644](
* add checkbox support && fixed space issue ([5be577b](
* add colors for list-style for [#60]( ([caaf30e](
* disable deploy for temp ([9cd8927](
* disable quad node click for [#60]( && fixed [#60]( ([92dfacc](
* disable scale for mindmap && for [#17]( ([435f5d9](
* fix array zip issue ([8213952](
* fix arrow issue for process step && fixed [#37]( ([614e7e4](
* fix build ([cfcf73d](
* fix build ([10721c9](
* fix ci lost config issue ([f1a6c66](
* fix color issue for periodic table && fixed [#72]( ([5133dd1](
* fix config issue ([347858a](
* fix content null issue ([f6bf94f](
* fix deploy dir issue ([e4ffd4a](
* fix for new line issue ([ebea8f9](
* fix for radar chart lost title issue ([90ec98b](
* fix height issue for case study ([0606559](
* fix mindmap max width issue ([fcb8a82](
* fix nav issue && fixed [#87]( ([f024908](
* fix ol ul issue ([5583a4e](
* fix pie chart data issue ([4606ee3](
* fix render index issue ([96c63e8](
* fix render quadrant issue ([cf92900](
* fix scrollbar for editor && fixed [#45]( ([0b0896d](
* fix scrollbar for editor && fixed [#45]( ([f373896](
* fix scrollbar no clear issue for [#22]( ([104470c](
* fix scrollbar no clear issue for [#22]( ([e16825f](
* fix some lint issue ([6472749](
* fix styles issue ([f4ebe98](
* fix target issue ([02ad725](
* fix text not inline issue ([cf8e5d5](
* fix title issue ([ef9a428](
* fix typo ([bb75be8](
* process-card column gap & stylelint error ([a85b0bb](
* readme error ([3814e80](
* remove mindmap background && fixed [#39]( ([e505f05](
* try to add start for ol ([600d4c6](
* try to format code ([3f8520a](
* tslint ([756abb6](
* update sitemap to fix xml urlset issue ([b56dcc8](
* **stylelint:** add configuration for stylelint ([a7b276f](
* **stylelint:** fix stylelint configuration ([3ec9b24](
* **stylelint issue:** fix stylelint issue ([27b80f0](
* add lost elements info ([edc80bf](
* add lost resources links ([616ecab](
* add patch for IE ([46c16a0](
* add simple ie error ([d638afd](
* addd basic scrollbar ([ac73364](
* baidu devops history year fix ([016401c](
* chart render issue ([e9993ba](
* comments related reousrces & move to tools ([29aa810](
* commnet mermaid code for IE ([6b0900d](
* disable data view && fixed [#23]( ([0140a2a](
* fix add isse ([edb3b92](
* fix all tests ([47a21ff](
* fix blockquote paragrph issue ([3996a00](
* fix br issue for [#26]( ([1de59d0](
* fix build issue ([4a6a9d3](
* fix build issue ([dcb2420](
* fix chart issue ([8c9a8b5](
* fix chart not remove issue ([5166007](
* fix chart position issue ([e02fcca](
* fix chart render issue ([a3f74a5](
* fix chart typo ([fc09881](
* fix chart zoom issue ([b9d673b](
* fix color ([05d7a2d](
* fix comma issue ([34ca1a7](
* fix compile issue ([90ecb76](
* fix content error issue ([6ef4398](
* fix data issue ([e6e56a4](
* fix data issue ([49f23cb](
* fix design length issue & disable for length < 0 [#26]( ([cc4fe89](
* fix element inline issue ([dc3115e](
* fix escape issue ([cb008a7](
* fix for encode issue ([30d10ad](
* fix height 0 issue ([ed5a066](
* fix home contributoer color issue ([bbe76ea](
* fix home issue ([c20f704](
* fix id issue ([b010cd3](
* fix index issue ([ed2c76b](
* fix left bar issue ([6a8fa56](
* fix linit ([e27cda7](
* fix lint issue ([ef649b2](
* fix lint issue ([68554f2](
* fix lost scrollbar issue ([bc2cfce](
* fix manual behavior error issue ([b94ce32](
* fix manual link error issue ([b2154bd](
* fix margin issue ([d7f2481](
* fix merge issue ([f4b48f2](
* fix mermaid render issue ([e5c1834](
* fix model item lost issue ([363dc80](
* fix name pos issue ([aa07642](
* fix origin gatt issue for ie 11 ([066c5ec](
* fix p tag error issue ([ec93e71](
* fix position issue ([9fac626](
* fix quard issue ([780d3c9](
* fix scroll issue ([7205352](
* fix scrollbar issue for [#12]( ([4be1f76](
* fix section title error issue ([cefabc8](
* fix styles ([deda080](
* fix styles issue ([30dc7d3](
* fix syntax issue ([c12f6fa](
* fix syntax issue ([1153b27](
* fix table size ([cafc8a3](
* fix tasks error with config issue ([b5f4a05](
* fix test ([59a1da5](
* fix test ([b650d87](
* fix test issue ([2dd2837](
* fix test issue ([4706624](
* fix tests ([08b2481](
* fix tests ([e146e18](
* fix title issue ([cbc632e](
* fix title issue for maturity ([a0a4299](
* fix typo ([44de5b8](
* fix typo ([1d94d9a](
* fix typo ([2f62b1a](
* fix typo ([9590af7](
* fix typo ([2277687](
* fix typo ([f30ea57](
* fix typo ([8ad3e62](
* fix typo ([6623ea3](
* fixed issue [#14]( ([3723d35](
* fixed issue [#14]( ([e46660a](
* modify refactor link with Github icon && fixed [#27]( ([7ca81b8](
* rename typo ([81b0aa2](
* try to fix not render in ie ([f59893c](
* update browser list ([c2a65e4](
* update setimtoue for go to heading ([8f6f994](

### Features

* [#12]( add circle list-style support ([7a8be71](
* [#12]( add simple template for square ([4362eba](
* [#43]( add for two group radar chart compare ([ad45b85](
* [design] make add & remove works ([d0475d1](
* [markdown] add loadign effect ([2b774c6](
* [maturity] storage value to localstroage ([2e34524](
* ad tw-banks exp ([b58f21e](
* add agile fluency ([3fffc76](
* add basic code render ([93c3fc4](
* add basic layout for [#44]( ([7096483](
* add basic left case support ([57c7c3f](
* add basic left toc support ([94e9301](
* add basic markdown support ([7bb266c](
* add basic process step markdown parseR ([417d151](
* add basic pyramid ([75630ce](
* add basic quadrant ([2d415e5](
* add basic split modules support ([8cfdd6e](
* add basic toc generate ([30e4426](
* add bind image support ([63badfd](
* add blog to navbar ([8324bcb](
* add class code support ([2ff8f2d](
* add cmb demo ([235dc00](
* add color to suppor radar chart && fixed [#43]( ([822cbe6](
* add color to suppor radar chart && fixed [#43]( ([5d50399](
* add colors ([e856d2c](
* add content editable support ([6a51778](
* add dao cloud examples ([ed6b147](
* add data ([b3b649f](
* add data ([02df99f](
* add debounce for textarea input ([036d9e5](
* add default pipe line ([3d2e1f1](
* add esp ([dc355c4](
* add first tooling ([c2e2ede](
* add first version data ([31d4b3b](
* add ga ([07c9445](
* add hasic hover support ([51f6397](
* add left styles ([709b9fd](
* add link to avatar ([c84468f](
* add link to checklists for [#59]( ([99b89f1](
* add list support ([34c2efe](
* add loading effect ([129922d](
* add logic for tech radra && fixed [#106]( ([992fde9](
* add lost content ([8213973](
* add lost source ([238645b](
* add markdown chart ([afca0f6](
* add markdown support ([aa7d02b](
* add material design ui ([c968234](
* add md render type : process-card ([6bdc4d8](
* add measuzre ([d685094](
* add meituan demo ([d6e5449](
* add mindmap height & width for [#60]( ([3902663](
* add more content ([8a5152d](
* add more content ([e363273](
* add more content ([7ad28b9](
* add more tools ([d344cd0](
* add name support ([431433b](
* add pie chart && fixed [#85]( ([dd1a738](
* add process ([9fbb29c](
* add process table support ([5c9354c](
* add quard component ([f042caf](
* add radar chart data ([85f5a9f](
* add radar to data chart ([a62e6ff](
* add rating from ([8ed4116](
* add recommend process ([7510170](
* add record last case study ([1d30b18](
* add rezoom color ([1bb7840](
* add save language logic for i18n ([9b96d2a](
* add show value for chart ([ab10501](
* add simple arrow ([71e4213](
* add simple quote ([1dc1050](
* add some content ([de7b1f5](
* add some practise ([9138225](
* add some private cloud ([5029003](
* add stlyes for dev process items ([1d56927](
* add styles for loop ([640231c](
* add support for long items ([1c11513](
* add table examples ([f6c964f](
* add title to pyramid fir [#67]( ([8b73528](
* add tooling ([a8cf9fb](
* add tooltip for solution ([02f2e9e](
* add translate for periodic table ([f04e8c8](
* add url router ([2860dea](
* add virtual scoller for render ([67b0d2a](
* add virtual scroll for render ([f438da1](
* chagne title ([ad779a5](
* change order ([57c10a2](
* change order ([76eb7a4](
* change row cell to column cell ([f1e2f2c](
* commet head ([5b0257d](
* fix bar size issue ([1c857cb](
* fix color issue & add license ([36a2671](
* fix color issues ([da05fb3](
* fix compile issue & add more show toc ([cdbe341](
* fix config issue ([a44b059](
* fix content styles issue ([37885c0](
* fix drag issue ([b4285c7](
* fix oreder issue ([8185b1c](
* fix size issues ([3a6d235](
* fix: fix testing ([70fa67d](
* force show scrollbar ([cd44f58](
* i18n init ([d9632c2](
* import renderhading logic ([ffae659](
* init basic kanban ([6d12099](
* init basic process ([f559f59](
* init charts ([dd66442](
* init component for [#44]( ([54e1e72](
* init i18n ([2e9e226](
* init kanban ([d5a53d5](
* init maturity ([4aee7f6](
* init menu for languages ([9d72b4b](
* init mindmap ([4088e8d](
* init process ([821bc7e](
* init process table ([92d940d](
* init resources ([ab98843](
* init translate for case study ([aca4714](
* init translate for solution ([1987946](
* init url ([00e0740](
* init url ([895a3c2](
* make auto use language ([96dfc22](
* **ledge-table-step:** support dynamic row width ([3774053](
* **ledge-table-step:** support dynamic row width & config column ([8d13019](
* init pie chart syntax & component for [#85]( ([18d9171](
* init simple radar chart from ([034319d](
* init todo & checklist from for [#59]( ([bcbe21d](
* make basic checklists working ([1c89d8d](
* make basic flow ([b011c91](
* make basic view ([c3f08fe](
* make config pass success ([b5ff121](
* make config works ([f6f623a](
* make css works ([adb714e](
* make data works ([558fefb](
* make input works ([a166b62](
* make it change works ([31aeada](
* make left sticky ([8c410a0](
* make logic works for kanban for [#54]( ([9a39a3b](
* make options ([853b2d9](
* make primard works ([b8883ee](
* make process table works ([1428b46](
* make process works ([256e57c](
* make quard works ([3ec981d](
* make reporter works ([8555ac4](
* make styles works ([33091fe](
* make sync menu basic works ([79c792b](
* make toc works ([d4a12ef](
* move data to origin ([409d006](
* remove unused layout ([c00b296](
* revert tooling ([8f690d5](
* split tech radar ([52645b4](
* **render:** [#12]( add basic list parser ([4af00e0](
* **render:** [#12]( add echarts render ([3640b76](
* **render:** [#12]( add graphviz render ([25de5c0](
* **render:** [#12]( add hr ([de1f8b3](
* **render:** [#12]( add html to element ([8418bdf](
* **render:** [#12]( add link in heading support" ([5e880c1](
* **render:** [#12]( add pure render ([ece0b1a](
* **render:** [#12]( make toc works ([db2774b](
* **seo:** update title for case-study ([4e82458](
* [#12]( <render> add code highlight supporT ([f279532](
* [#12]( <render> add mindmap for ledge render ([5659605](
* [#12]( <render> add process step syntax ([bf76757](
* [#12]( <render> add process table ([6975385](
* [#12]( <render> add pyarmid ([82c6afd](
* [#12]( <render> add quadrant support && closed [#35]( ([fbf35ac](
* [#12]( <render> add radar chart ([7c2ef2a](
* [#12]( render add toolset ([1c8de29](
* [#6]( add resources to atom ([f801150](
* <design> add reset button for [#26]( ([8e8fe12](
* <toolset> make slide works ([ca6b673](
* add back to top ([2cc4376](
* add basic graphviz render ([2321d8d](
* add basic support for double scrollbar md ([fffe259](
* add default avatar ([ffb2b48](
* add dialog for homeclick && fixed [#6]( ([6532c52](
* add editor to more tools ([4ee7084](
* add footer ([8fd0baf](
* add git-cz for build project ([65ef4f6](
* add git-cz for commit lint ([13bd9e4](
* add heading render to markdown ([4ac358f](
* add highlight support foe docs ([8b76b96](
* add inline support for paragraph with [#12](  && fixed [#24]( ([1e9875c](
* add menu sync ([0e9b98c](
* add mermaid ([301960b](
* add more languages support ([86f08d1](
* add simple code charts render ([35c00c6](
* add sync into menu ([f8ea8c3](
* add table support for reporter render ([e149f83](
* add title to contributors ([2a7e0ab](
* add title to contributors ([b414fc5](
* add webcomponent loading support" ([f2d9412](
* change chart to origin ([ffc1e2b](
* change color to d3 domain ([75bceae](
* change service to map to support multiple instancE ([8cbc134](
* design toolset model ([868db58](
* disable zoom ([89c3ce1](
* handle list for converter ([f76ad7f](
* home init contributors ([1fc8e10](
* init chart ([de9fba2](
* init solution for community ([87686dc](
* set open link in new target ([0658872](
* **#12:** <render> init radar chart ([a91cb4e](, closes [#12](
* enabel live edit ([e1065f9](
* fix font size issue ([56d46ce](
* init first slide for toolset ([bd2ce8c](
* init pyarmid chart component ([b520531](
* make basic loading for toolset ([dd7575c](
* make charts resizeable ([dc293ff](
* reporter add code examples ([0681186](
* thinkingg in echart renderr ([69d7c8b](
* try direct loading markdown for content render ([295d691](
* try to add services worker ([61a0b65](
* **table-step:** add table-step render component ([2d27d6a](
* support radar chart ([2c61052](
* thinking in content ([1cc2556](
* thinking in manual ([9dc593f](
* try move menu to homepagge ([bf5bbab](
* try to add graph ([291ab21](
* try to add loop ([c0f13f6](
* try to add support for sizE ([6faa41b](
* try to add toc ([550e889](
* try to fix mindmap size ([beb21b6](
* update basic layout ([0cca48b](
* update content ([032a928](
* update contributors styles ([22f06ab](
* use conditional comment for ie ([333ae8e](
* use webcomponent replace to markdown ([de38dac](

### Reverts

* revert tooset ([5d08af2](