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# cache
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Slim and full compatible PSR-16 cache library for PHP

Install via the `composer` utility.

composer require "phoole/cache"

or add the following lines to your `composer.json`

    "require": {
       "phoole/cache": "1.1.*"


- Fully [PSR-16]( compliant.

- Support all serializable PHP data types.

- Extra features:

  - **Stampede Protection**: Whenever **ONE** cached object's lifetime is less than
    a configurable `stampedeGap` time in seconds (60s default), by a configurable
    `stampedePercent` (5% default) percentage, it will be considered stale. It may
    then trigger generating new cache depend on your decision. This feature is quite
    useful for reducing a single hot item stampede situation.
    // overwrite stampede defaults
    $cache = new Cache($fileAdatpor, [
        'stampedeGap' => 120,   // 120second
        'stampedePercent' => 2  // 2%

  - **Distributed expiration**: By setting `distributedPercent` (5% default) to a 
    reasonable percentage, system will store each cache item with its TTL(time to 
    live) a small random fluctuation. This will help avoiding large amount of items
    expired at the same time.
    $cache = new Cache($fileAdaptor, [
        'distributedPercent' => 3,   // 3%, default is 5%

- `CacheAwareInterface` and `CacheAwareTrait`


- Simple usage

  use Phoole\Cache\Cache;
  // using default adaptor and default settings
  $cache = new Cache();
  // get with default value 'phoole'
  $name  = $cache->get('name', 'phoole');
  // set cache
  $cache->set('name', 'wow');

- Specify the adaptor

  use Phoole\Cache\Cache;
  use Phoole\Cache\Adaptor\FileAdaptor;
  // use file adaptor and specific cache directory 
  $cache = new Cache(new FileAdaptor('/tmp/cache');
- Use with [dependency injection](

  use Phoole\Cache\Cache;
  use Phoole\Di\Container;
  use Phoole\Config\Config;
  // config cache in the container
  $container = new Container(new Config(
      'di.service' => [
          'cache' => Cache::class
  // get from container
  $cache = $container->get('cache');
  // or static FACADE way
  $cache = Container::cache();

$ composer test


- PHP >= 7.2.0

- [phoole/base]( 1.*


- [Apache 2.0](