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## Saving data 

For save data use __\vivace\db\Storage::save()__ method.

This method is responsible for both inserting and updating data.
An indexed array is used to store multiple rows.
An associative array is used to store single rows.

#### Insert one row
 $ok = $storage->save(['name' => 'Albert']);
#### Update one row
In this example data will be updated, because 'id' is a primary(unique) key
 $storage->save(['id' => 99, 'name' => 'Albert']);
#### Insert multiple rows
   ['name' => 'Albert'],
   ['name' => 'Marsel']

 #### Multiple upsert:
 In the example below, the first row will be updated, because 'id' is primary key, and the first row will be saved 
 as new row (inserted)
    ['id' => 99, 'name' => 'Albert'],// first row
    ['name' => 'Marsel'] // second row

For a better understanding, you can look at the following method
- __vivace\db\sql\Storage::save()__