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Test Coverage

 * This file is part of phpfn package.
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.


use Fun\Curry\Curried;
use Fun\Curry\CurriedFunctionInterface;

if (! \function_exists('\\curry')) {
     * @see lcurry
     * @param callable|\ReflectionFunctionAbstract $fn An applicant function
     * @param array $args Set of arguments for left currying
     * @return CurriedFunctionInterface
    function curry($fn, ...$args): CurriedFunctionInterface
        return Curried::new($fn)->curry(...$args);

if (! \function_exists('\\lcurry')) {
     * Returns a function from a function to which you can partially
     * apply the required arguments from left to right.
     * @param callable|\ReflectionFunctionAbstract $fn An applicant function
     * @param array $args Set of arguments for left currying
     * @return CurriedFunctionInterface Returns a partially applied function
    function lcurry($fn, ...$args): CurriedFunctionInterface
        return Curried::new($fn)->lcurry(...$args);

if (! \function_exists('\\rcurry')) {
     * Returns a function from a function to which you can partially
     * apply the required arguments from right to left.
     * @param callable|\ReflectionFunctionAbstract $fn An applicant function
     * @param array $args Set of arguments for right currying
     * @return CurriedFunctionInterface Returns a partially applied function
    function rcurry($fn, ...$args): CurriedFunctionInterface
        return Curried::new($fn)->rcurry(...$args);

if (! \function_exists('\\uncurry')) {
     * Unpacks the curried function and returns the result of this function.
     * In the event that the function is not completed (that is, there are not
     * enough arguments), it returns a normal closure object, with which you
     * can supplement the missing argument.
     * @param callable|Curried $fn An applicant php or curried function
     * @return \Closure Function result or closure
    function uncurry(callable $fn): \Closure
        return ($fn instanceof Curried ? $fn : Curried::new($fn))->toClosure();