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namespace Phplrt\Position;

use Phplrt\Contracts\Position\PositionFactoryInterface;
use Phplrt\Contracts\Position\PositionInterface;
use Phplrt\Contracts\Source\ReadableInterface;
use Phplrt\Contracts\Source\SourceExceptionInterface;
use Phplrt\Contracts\Source\SourceFactoryInterface;
use Phplrt\Source\SourceFactory;

trait PositionFactoryTrait
    private static ?PositionFactoryInterface $positionFactory = null;

    private static ?SourceFactoryInterface $sourceFactory = null;

    public static function setPositionFactory(PositionFactoryInterface $factory): void
        self::$positionFactory = $factory;

    public static function getPositionFactory(): PositionFactoryInterface
        return self::$positionFactory ??= new PositionFactory();

    public static function setSourceFactory(SourceFactoryInterface $factory): void
        self::$sourceFactory = $factory;

    public static function getSourceFactory(): SourceFactoryInterface
        if (self::$sourceFactory !== null) {
            return self::$sourceFactory;

        if (!\class_exists(SourceFactory::class)) {
            $message = 'Can not find and create instance of %s because the package'
                . ' "phplrt/source" is not available. Please indicate it explicitly'
                . ' using "%s::setSourceFactory()" method.';

            throw new \LogicException(\vsprintf($message, [

        return self::$sourceFactory = new SourceFactory();

     * An alternative factory function of the
     * {@see PositionFactoryInterface::createFromPosition()} method.
     * @param int<1, max> $line Expected line value of the position in the
     *        passed source instance.
     * @param int<1, max> $column Expected column value of the position in the
     *        passed source instance.
     * @throws SourceExceptionInterface In case of an error in creating the
     *         source object.
    public static function fromPosition(
        int $line = PositionInterface::MIN_LINE,
        int $column = PositionInterface::MIN_COLUMN
    ): PositionInterface {
        $factory = self::getPositionFactory();

        if (!$source instanceof ReadableInterface) {
            $sources = self::getSourceFactory();

            $source = $sources->create($source);

        return $factory->createFromPosition($source, $line, $column);

     * An alternative factory function of the
     * {@see PositionFactoryInterface::createAtStarting()} method.
    public static function start(): PositionInterface
        $factory = self::getPositionFactory();

        return $factory->createAtStarting();

     * An alternative factory function of the
     * {@see PositionFactoryInterface::createAtEnding()} method.
     * @throws SourceExceptionInterface In case of an error in creating the
     *         source object.
    public static function end($source): PositionInterface
        $factory = self::getPositionFactory();

        if (!$source instanceof ReadableInterface) {
            $sources = self::getSourceFactory();

            $source = $sources->create($source);

        return $factory->createAtEnding($source);

     * An alternative factory function of the
     * {@see PositionFactoryInterface::createFromOffset()} method.
     * @param int<0, max> $offset Expected offset of the position in the passed
     *        source instance.
     * @throws SourceExceptionInterface In case of an error in creating the
     *         source object.
    public static function fromOffset(
        int $offset = PositionInterface::MIN_OFFSET
    ): PositionInterface {
        $factory = self::getPositionFactory();

        if (!$source instanceof ReadableInterface) {
            $sources = self::getSourceFactory();

            $source = $sources->create($source);

        return $factory->createFromOffset($source, $offset);