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Test Coverage
import $ from 'jquery';
import { AJAX } from './modules/ajax.ts';
import { Functions } from './modules/functions.ts';
import { Navigation } from './modules/navigation.ts';
import { ajaxRemoveMessage, ajaxShowMessage } from './modules/ajax-message.ts';
import getJsConfirmCommonParam from './modules/functions/getJsConfirmCommonParam.ts';

AJAX.registerTeardown('triggers.js', function () {
    $(document).off('click', 'a.ajax.add_anchor, a.ajax.edit_anchor');
    $(document).off('click', 'a.ajax.export_anchor');
    $(document).off('click', '#bulkActionExportButton');
    $(document).off('click', 'a.ajax.drop_anchor');
    $(document).off('click', '#bulkActionDropButton');

const DatabaseTriggers = {
     * @var $ajaxDialog Query object containing the reference to the
     *                  dialog that contains the editor
    $ajaxDialog: null,
     * @var syntaxHiglighter Reference to the codemirror editor
    syntaxHiglighter: null,
     * Validate editor form fields.
     * @return {boolean}
    validate: function () {
         * @var $elm a jQuery object containing the reference
         *           to an element that is being validated
        var $elm = null;
        // Common validation. At the very least the name
        // and the definition must be provided for an item
        $elm = $('table.rte_table').last().find('input[name=item_name]');
        if ($elm.val() === '') {

            return false;

        $elm = $('table.rte_table').find('textarea[name=item_definition]');
        if ($elm.val() === '') {
            if (this.syntaxHiglighter !== null) {
            } else {


            return false;

        // The validation has so far passed, so now
        // we can validate item-specific fields.
        return this.validateCustom();
    }, // end validate()
     * Validate custom editor form fields.
     * This function can be overridden by
     * other files in this folder
     * @return {boolean}
    validateCustom: function () {
        return true;
    }, // end validateCustom()

    exportDialog: function ($this) {
        var $msg = ajaxShowMessage();
        if ($this.attr('id') === 'bulkActionExportButton') {
            var combined = {
                success: true,
                title: window.Messages.strExport,
                message: '',
                error: ''
            // export anchors of all selected rows
            var exportAnchors = $('input.checkall:checked').parents('tr').find('.export_anchor');
            var count = exportAnchors.length;
            var returnCount = 0;
            var p: any = $.when();
            exportAnchors.each(function () {
                var h = $(this).attr('href');
                p = p.then(function () {
                    return $.get(h, { 'ajax_request': true }, function (data) {
                        if (data.success === true) {
                            combined.message += '\n' + data.message + '\n';
                            if (returnCount === count) {
                        } else {
                            // complain even if one export is failing
                            combined.success = false;
                            combined.error += '\n' + data.error + '\n';
                            if (returnCount === count) {
        } else {
            $.get($this.attr('href'), { 'ajax_request': true }, showExport);


        function showExport (data) {
            if (data.success !== true) {
                ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);


             * @var buttonOptions Object containing options
             *                     for jQueryUI dialog buttons
            var buttonOptions = {
                [window.Messages.strClose]: {
                    text: window.Messages.strClose,
                    class: 'btn btn-primary',
            // @ts-ignore
            buttonOptions[window.Messages.strClose].click = function () {

             * Display the dialog to the user
            data.message = '<textarea cols="40" rows="15" class="w-100">' + data.message + '</textarea>';
            var $ajaxDialog = $('<div>' + data.message + '</div>').dialog({
                classes: {
                    'ui-dialog-titlebar-close': 'btn-close'
                width: 500,
                // @ts-ignore
                buttons: buttonOptions,
                title: data.title
            // Attach syntax highlighted editor to export dialog
             * @var $elm jQuery object containing the reference
             *           to the Export textarea.
            var $elm = $ajaxDialog.find('textarea');
        } // end showExport()
    },  // end exportDialog()
    editorDialog: function (isNew, $this) {
        var that = this;
         * @var $edit_row jQuery object containing the reference to
         *                the row of the the item being edited
         *                from the list of items
        var $editRow = null;
        if ($this.hasClass('edit_anchor')) {
            // Remember the row of the item being edited for later,
            // so that if the edit is successful, we can replace the
            // row with info about the modified item.
            $editRow = $this.parents('tr');

         * @var $msg jQuery object containing the reference to
         *           the AJAX message shown to the user
        var $msg = ajaxShowMessage();
        $.get($this.attr('href'), { 'ajax_request': true }, function (data) {
            if (data.success !== true) {
                ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);


            var buttonOptions = {
                [window.Messages.strGo]: {
                    text: window.Messages.strGo,
                    class: 'btn btn-primary',
                [window.Messages.strClose]: {
                    text: window.Messages.strClose,
                    class: 'btn btn-secondary',
            // We have successfully fetched the editor form
            // Now define the function that is called when
            // the user presses the "Go" button
            // @ts-ignore
            buttonOptions[window.Messages.strGo].click = function () {
                // Move the data from the codemirror editor back to the
                // textarea, where it can be used in the form submission.
                if (typeof window.CodeMirror !== 'undefined') {

                // Validate editor and submit request, if passed.
                if (! that.validate()) {

                 * @var data Form data to be sent in the AJAX request
                var data = $('form.rte_form').last().serialize();
                $msg = ajaxShowMessage(

                var url = $('form.rte_form').last().attr('action');
                $.post(url, data, function (data) {
                    if (data.success !== true) {
                        ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);


                    // Item created successfully
                    // If we are in 'edit' mode, we must
                    // remove the reference to the old row.
                    if (mode === 'edit' && $editRow !== null) {

                    // Sometimes, like when moving a trigger from
                    // a table to another one, the new row should
                    // not be inserted into the list. In this case
                    // "data.insert" will be set to false.
                    if (data.insert) {
                        // Insert the new row at the correct
                        // location in the list of items
                         * @var text Contains the name of an item from
                         *           the list that is used in comparisons
                         *           to find the correct location where
                         *           to insert a new row.
                        var text = '';
                         * @var inserted Whether a new item has been
                         *               inserted in the list or not
                        var inserted = false;
                        $('').find('tr').each(function () {
                            text = $(this)

                            if (text !== '' && text > {
                                inserted = true;

                                return false;

                        if (! inserted) {
                            // If we didn't manage to insert the row yet,
                            // it must belong at the end of the list,
                            // so we insert it there.

                        // Fade-in the new row
                    } else if ($('').find('tr').has('td').length === 0) {
                        // If we are not supposed to insert the new row,
                        // we will now check if the table is empty and
                        // needs to be hidden. This will be the case if
                        // we were editing the only item in the list,
                        // which we removed and will not be inserting
                        // something else in its place.
                        $('').hide('slow', function () {

                    // Now we have inserted the row at the correct
                    // position, but surely at least some row classes
                    // are wrong now. So we will iterate through
                    // all rows and assign correct classes to them
                     * @var ct Count of processed rows
                    var ct = 0;
                     * @var rowclass Class to be attached to the row
                     *               that is being processed
                    var rowclass = '';
                    $('').find('tr').has('td').each(function () {
                        rowclass = (ct % 2 === 0) ? 'odd' : 'even';

                    // If this is the first item being added, remove
                    // the "No items" message and show the list.
                    if ($('').find('tr').has('td').length > 0 &&
                    ) {
                        $('#nothing2display').hide('slow', function () {

                }); // end $.post()
            }; // end of function that handles the submission of the Editor

            // @ts-ignore
            buttonOptions[window.Messages.strClose].click = function () {

             * Display the dialog to the user
            that.$ajaxDialog = $('<div id="rteDialog">' + data.message + '</div>').dialog({
                classes: {
                    'ui-dialog-titlebar-close': 'btn-close'
                width: '70%',
                minWidth: 500,
                // @ts-ignore
                buttons: buttonOptions,
                // Issue #15810 - use button titles for modals (eg: new procedure)
                // Respect the order: title on href tag, href content, title sent in response
                title: $this.attr('title') || $this.text() || $(data.title).text(),
                modal: true,
                open: function () {
                    $('#rteDialog').dialog('option', 'max-height', $(window).height());
                    if ($('#rteDialog').parents('.ui-dialog').height() > $(window).height()) {
                        $('#rteDialog').dialog('option', 'height', $(window).height());

                    $(this).find('input.datefield').each(function () {
                        Functions.addDatepicker($(this).css('width', '95%'), 'date');

                    $(this).find('input.datetimefield').each(function () {
                        Functions.addDatepicker($(this).css('width', '95%'), 'datetime');

                    // @ts-ignore
                    $.datepicker.initialized = false;
                close: function () {

             * @var mode Used to remember whether the editor is in
             *           "Edit" or "Add" mode
            var mode = 'add';
            if ($('input[name=editor_process_edit]').length > 0) {
                mode = 'edit';

            // Attach syntax highlighted editor to the definition
             * @var elm jQuery object containing the reference to
             *                 the Definition textarea.
            var $elm = $('textarea[name=item_definition]').last();
            var linterOptions = {
                editorType: 'trigger',
            that.syntaxHiglighter = Functions.getSqlEditor($elm, {}, 'vertical', linterOptions);
            window.codeMirrorEditor = that.syntaxHiglighter;
        }); // end $.get()

    dropDialog: function ($this) {
         * @var $curr_row Object containing reference to the current row
        var $currRow = $this.parents('tr');
         * @var question String containing the question to be asked for confirmation
        var question = $('<div></div>').text(
        // We ask for confirmation first here, before submitting the ajax request
        $this.confirm(question, $this.attr('href'), function (url) {
             * @var msg jQuery object containing the reference to
             *          the AJAX message shown to the user
            var $msg = ajaxShowMessage(window.Messages.strProcessingRequest);
            var params = getJsConfirmCommonParam(this, $this.getPostData());
            $.post(url, params, function (data) {
                if (data.success !== true) {
                    ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);


                 * @var $table Object containing reference
                 *             to the main list of elements
                var $table = $currRow.parent();
                // Check how many rows will be left after we remove
                // the one that the user has requested us to remove
                if ($table.find('tr').length === 3) {
                    // If there are two rows left, it means that they are
                    // the header of the table and the rows that we are
                    // about to remove, so after the removal there will be
                    // nothing to show in the table, so we hide it.
                    $table.hide('slow', function () {
                        $(this).find('tr.even, tr.odd').remove();
                } else {
                    $currRow.hide('slow', function () {
                        // Now we have removed the row from the list, but maybe
                        // some row classes are wrong now. So we will iterate
                        // through all rows and assign correct classes to them.
                         * @var ct Count of processed rows
                        var ct = 0;
                         * @var rowclass Class to be attached to the row
                         *               that is being processed
                        var rowclass = '';
                        $table.find('tr').has('td').each(function () {
                            rowclass = (ct % 2 === 1) ? 'odd' : 'even';

                // Get rid of the "Loading" message
                // Show the query that we just executed
            }); // end $.post()

    dropMultipleDialog: function ($this) {
        // We ask for confirmation here
        $this.confirm(window.Messages.strDropRTEitems, '', function () {
             * @var msg jQuery object containing the reference to
             *          the AJAX message shown to the user
            var $msg = ajaxShowMessage(window.Messages.strProcessingRequest);

            // drop anchors of all selected rows
            var dropAnchors = $('input.checkall:checked').parents('tr').find('.drop_anchor');
            var success = true;
            var count = dropAnchors.length;
            var returnCount = 0;

            dropAnchors.each(function () {
                var $anchor = $(this);
                 * @var $curr_row Object containing reference to the current row
                var $currRow = $anchor.parents('tr');
                var params = getJsConfirmCommonParam(this, $anchor.getPostData());
                $.post($anchor.attr('href'), params, function (data) {
                    if (data.success !== true) {
                        ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);
                        success = false;
                        if (returnCount === count) {


                     * @var $table Object containing reference
                     *             to the main list of elements
                    var $table = $currRow.parent();
                    // Check how many rows will be left after we remove
                    // the one that the user has requested us to remove
                    if ($table.find('tr').length === 3) {
                        // If there are two rows left, it means that they are
                        // the header of the table and the rows that we are
                        // about to remove, so after the removal there will be
                        // nothing to show in the table, so we hide it.
                        $table.hide('slow', function () {
                            $(this).find('tr.even, tr.odd').remove();
                    } else {
                        $currRow.hide('fast', function () {
                            // we will iterate
                            // through all rows and assign correct classes to them.
                             * @var ct Count of processed rows
                            var ct = 0;
                             * @var rowclass Class to be attached to the row
                             *               that is being processed
                            var rowclass = '';
                            $table.find('tr').has('td').each(function () {
                                rowclass = (ct % 2 === 1) ? 'odd' : 'even';


                    if (returnCount === count) {
                        if (success) {
                            // Get rid of the "Loading" message
                            $('#rteListForm_checkall').prop({ checked: false, indeterminate: false });

                }); // end $.post()
            }); // end drop_anchors.each()

AJAX.registerOnload('triggers.js', function () {
     * Attach Ajax event handlers for the Add/Edit functionality.
    $(document).on('click', 'a.ajax.add_anchor, a.ajax.edit_anchor', function (event) {

        if ($(this).hasClass('add_anchor')) {
            // @ts-ignore
            $.datepicker.initialized = false;

        DatabaseTriggers.editorDialog($(this).hasClass('add_anchor'), $(this));

     * Attach Ajax event handlers for Export
    $(document).on('click', 'a.ajax.export_anchor', function (event) {

    $(document).on('click', '#bulkActionExportButton', function (event) {

     * Attach Ajax event handlers for Drop functionality
    $(document).on('click', 'a.ajax.drop_anchor', function (event) {

    $(document).on('click', '#bulkActionDropButton', function (event) {