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 * This class includes various sanitization methods that can be called statically


namespace PhpMyAdmin;

use PhpMyAdmin\Html\MySQLDocumentation;

use function __;
use function array_keys;
use function array_merge;
use function count;
use function in_array;
use function is_string;
use function json_encode;
use function preg_match;
use function preg_replace;
use function preg_replace_callback;
use function str_starts_with;
use function strtolower;
use function strtr;

use const JSON_HEX_TAG;

 * This class includes various sanitization methods that can be called statically
class Sanitize
     * Checks whether given link is valid
     * @param string $url   URL to check
     * @param bool   $http  Whether to allow http links
     * @param bool   $other Whether to allow ftp and mailto links
    public static function checkLink(string $url, bool $http = false, bool $other = false): bool
        $url = strtolower($url);
        $validStarts = ['https://', 'index.php?route=/url&url=https%3a%2f%2f', './docs/html/', './index.php?'];
        $isSetup = self::isSetup();
        // Adjust path to setup script location
        if ($isSetup) {
            foreach ($validStarts as $key => $value) {
                if (! str_starts_with($value, './')) {

                $validStarts[$key] = '.' . $value;

        if ($other) {
            $validStarts[] = 'mailto:';
            $validStarts[] = 'ftp://';

        if ($http) {
            $validStarts[] = 'http://';

        if ($isSetup) {
            $validStarts[] = '?page=form&';
            $validStarts[] = '?page=servers&';

        foreach ($validStarts as $val) {
            if (str_starts_with($url, $val)) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Check if we are currently on a setup folder page
    public static function isSetup(): bool
        return Config::getInstance()->get('is_setup');

     * Callback function for replacing [a@link@target] links in bb code.
     * @param string[] $found Array of preg matches
     * @return string Replaced string
    private static function replaceBBLink(array $found): string
        /* Check for valid link */
        if (! self::checkLink($found[1])) {
            return $found[0];

        /* a-z and _ allowed in target */
        if (! empty($found[3]) && preg_match('/[^a-z_]+/i', $found[3])) {
            return $found[0];

        /* Construct target */
        $target = '';
        if (! empty($found[3])) {
            $target = ' target="' . $found[3] . '"';
            if ($found[3] === '_blank') {
                $target .= ' rel="noopener noreferrer"';

        /* Construct url */
        if (str_starts_with($found[1], 'http')) {
            $url = Core::linkURL($found[1]);
        } else {
            $url = $found[1];

        return '<a href="' . $url . '"' . $target . '>';

     * Callback function for replacing [doc@anchor] links in bb code.
     * @param string[] $found Array of preg matches
    private static function replaceDocLink(array $found): string
        if (count($found) >= 4) {
            /* doc@page@anchor pattern */
            $page = $found[1];
            $anchor = $found[3];
        } else {
            /* doc@anchor pattern */
            $anchor = $found[1];
            if (str_starts_with($anchor, 'faq')) {
                $page = 'faq';
            } elseif (str_starts_with($anchor, 'cfg')) {
                $page = 'config';
            } else {
                /* Guess */
                $page = 'setup';

        $link = MySQLDocumentation::getDocumentationLink($page, $anchor, self::isSetup() ? '../' : './');

        return '<a href="' . $link . '" target="documentation">';

     * Sanitizes $message, taking into account our special codes for formatting.
     * @param string $message the message
     * @param bool   $safe    whether string is safe (can keep < and > chars)
    public static function convertBBCode(string $message, bool $safe = false): string
        if (! $safe) {
            $message = strtr($message, ['<' => '&lt;', '>' => '&gt;', '"' => '&quot;', "'" => '&#039;']);

         * Interpret bb code
         * @var array<string, string> $replacePairs
        static $replacePairs = [];
        if ($replacePairs === []) {
            $replacePairs = [
                '[em]' => '<em>',
                '[/em]' => '</em>',
                '[strong]' => '<strong>',
                '[/strong]' => '</strong>',
                '[code]' => '<code>',
                '[/code]' => '</code>',
                '[kbd]' => '<kbd>',
                '[/kbd]' => '</kbd>',
                '[br]' => '<br>',
                '[/a]' => '</a>',
                '[/doc]' => '</a>',
                '[sup]' => '<sup>',
                '[/sup]' => '</sup>',
                // used in libraries/Util.php
                '[dochelpicon]' => Html\Generator::getImage('b_help', __('Documentation')),

        $message = strtr($message, $replacePairs);

        /* Match links in bb code ([a@url@target], where @target is options) */
        $pattern = '/\[a@([^]"@]*)(@([^]"]*))?\]/';

        /* Find and replace all links */
        $message = (string) preg_replace_callback(
            static fn (array $match): string => self::replaceBBLink($match),

        /* Replace documentation links */
        return (string) preg_replace_callback(
            /** @param string[] $match */
            static fn (array $match): string => self::replaceDocLink($match),

     * Sanitize a filename by removing anything besides legit characters
     * Intended usecase:
     *    When using a filename in a Content-Disposition header
     *    the value should not contain ; or "
     *    When exporting, avoiding generation of an unexpected double-extension file
     * @param string $filename    The filename
     * @param bool   $replaceDots Whether to also replace dots
     * @return string  the sanitized filename
    public static function sanitizeFilename(string $filename, bool $replaceDots = false): string
        $pattern = '/[^A-Za-z0-9_';
        // if we don't have to replace dots
        if (! $replaceDots) {
            // then add the dot to the list of legit characters
            $pattern .= '.';

        $pattern .= '-]/';

        return preg_replace($pattern, '_', $filename);

     * Formats an javascript assignment with proper escaping of a value
     * and support for assigning array of strings.
     * @param string $key   Name of value to set
     * @param mixed  $value Value to set, can be either string or array of strings
     * @return string Javascript code.
    public static function getJsValue(string $key, mixed $value): string
        return $key . ' = ' . json_encode($value, JSON_HEX_TAG) . ";\n";

     * Removes all variables from request except allowed ones.
     * @param string[] $allowList list of variables to allow
    public static function removeRequestVars(array $allowList): void
        // do not check only $_REQUEST because it could have been overwritten
        // and use type casting because the variables could have become
        // strings
        $keys = array_keys(
            array_merge($_REQUEST, $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE),

        foreach ($keys as $key) {
            if (! in_array($key, $allowList)) {
                unset($_REQUEST[$key], $_GET[$key], $_POST[$key]);

            // allowed stuff could be compromised so escape it
            // we require it to be a string
            if (isset($_REQUEST[$key]) && ! is_string($_REQUEST[$key])) {

            if (isset($_POST[$key]) && ! is_string($_POST[$key])) {

            if (isset($_COOKIE[$key]) && ! is_string($_COOKIE[$key])) {

            if (! isset($_GET[$key]) || is_string($_GET[$key])) {
