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**The PutsBox codebase will be private going forward. You can still integrate with the products as you could before and we've updated the support instructions below.**
**Questions? Write us at support**

## PutsBox

PutsBox makes email integration tests easy. [Try it now](

Have a look at [Test emails with automated testing tools]( for some examples.

## Getting started

PutsBox uses [SendGrid Inbound Email Parse Webhook]( for receiving e-mails, therefore for running PutsBox in development or your server, you will need to setup a SendGrid account and configure an Inbound Parse within SendGrid admin.

Have a look at this post [Test SendGrid Webhooks with ngrok]( for receiving Webhook calls in your localhost.

### Steps to run PutsBox in development

#### Basic steps

This is the basic steps for running the Rails app, but if you want to receive e-mails, please check [Full steps](#full-steps).

For following the instructions below, you will need to install [Docker](

cd ~/workspace

git clone

docker-compose up -d

open http://localhost:3000

docker-compose logs --follow --tail=100 app

#### Full steps

The full steps instructions, include SendGrid, and domain setup, which is needed for fully running PutsBox.

[Check the Wiki](

#### Running tests

docker-compose run app bundle exec rspec

### Production

Putsbox auto expires (removes) inactive buckets in 1 day and emails in 15 minutes.

For enabling this behavior, PutsBox uses [MongoDB TTL](

db.buckets.createIndex({ "updated_at": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 86400 })
db.emails.createIndex({ "created_at": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 600 })

### License

Please see [LICENSE]( for licensing details.