<?php namespace Phug\DependencyInjection; use ReflectionFunction;use ReflectionParameter; class FunctionWrapper extends ReflectionFunction{ /** * Dump function parameters as a PHP tupple. * * @return string */Function `dumpParameters` has a Cognitive Complexity of 7 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. public function dumpParameters() { $parameters = []; foreach ($this->getParameters() as $parameter) { $string = ''; $type = $this->getTypeAsString($parameter); if ($type) { $string .= "$type "; } if ($parameter->isPassedByReference()) { $string .= '&'; } $string .= '$'.$parameter->name; if ($parameter->isOptional()) { $string .= ' = '.var_export($parameter->getDefaultValue(), true); } $parameters[] = $string; } return '('.implode(', ', $parameters).')'; } /** * Dump function body contained inside brackets. * * @return string */ public function dumpBody() { $lines = file($this->getFileName()); $startLine = $this->getStartLine(); $endLine = $this->getEndLine(); $lines[$startLine - 1] = explode('{', $lines[$startLine - 1]); $lines[$startLine - 1] = end($lines[$startLine - 1]); $end = mb_strrpos($lines[$endLine - 1], '}'); if ($end !== false) { $lines[$endLine - 1] = mb_substr($lines[$endLine - 1], 0, $end); } $lines[$endLine - 1] .= '}'; $code = ''; for ($line = $startLine - 1; $line < $endLine; $line++) { $code .= $lines[$line]; } return $code; } /** * Return the type as a string in a way compatible from PHP 5.5 to 8.0. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @param ReflectionParameter $parameter * * @return string|null */ protected function getTypeAsString(ReflectionParameter $parameter) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.0.0-dev', '<')) { if ($parameter->isArray()) { return 'array'; } $class = $parameter->getClass(); return $class ? $class->name : null; } /** @var mixed $parameter ReflectionParameter has hasType and getType methods since PHP 7.0. */ return $parameter->hasType() ? strval($parameter->getType()) : null; }}