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namespace Phug;

class Cli
     * The facade class name that the cli application will call the methods on.
     * @var string
    protected $facade;

     * List of available methods/actions in the cli application.
     * @example
     * [
     *   'myMethod'
     *   'anAlias' => 'myMethod',
     *   'anAction' => function ($facade, $arguments) {
     *     list($value, $factor) = $arguments;
     *     return call_user_func([$facade, 'multiply'], $value, $factor);
     *   },
     * ]
     * @var array
    protected $methods;

     * Cli application constructor. Needs a facade name and a methods list.
     * @param string $facade
     * @param array  $methods
    public function __construct($facade, array $methods)
        $this->facade = $facade;
        $this->methods = $methods;

     * Get list of user-defined commands.
     * @return array
    public function getCustomMethods()
        $facade = $this->facade;
        $options = is_callable([$facade, 'getOptions']) ? call_user_func([$facade, 'getOptions']) : [];

        if (isset($options['commands'])) {
            return $options['commands'];

        if (!is_callable([$facade, 'hasOption']) ||
            !call_user_func([$facade, 'hasOption'], 'commands') ||
            !is_callable([$facade, 'getOption'])
        ) {
            return [];

        return call_user_func([$facade, 'getOption'], 'commands') ?: [];

     * Run the CLI applications with arguments list, return true for a success status, false for an error status.
     * @param $arguments
     * @return bool
    public function run($arguments)
        $outputFile = $this->getNamedArgument($arguments, ['--output-file', '-o']);
        $bootstrapFile = $this->getNamedArgument($arguments, ['--bootstrap', '-b']);
        if ($bootstrapFile) {
            include $bootstrapFile;
        } elseif (file_exists('phugBootstrap.php')) {
            include 'phugBootstrap.php';
        list(, $action) = array_pad($arguments, 2, null);
        $arguments = array_slice($arguments, 2);
        $facade = $this->facade;
        $method = $this->convertToCamelCase($action);
        $customMethods = $this->getCustomMethods();

        if (!$action) {
            echo "You must provide a method.\n";

            return false;

        if (!in_array($method, iterator_to_array($this->getAvailableMethods($customMethods)), true)) {
            echo "The method $action is not available as CLI command in the $facade facade.\n";

            return false;

        return $this->execute($facade, $method, $arguments, $outputFile);

     * Yield all available methods.
     * @param array|null $customMethods pass custom methods list (calculated from the facade if missing)
     * @return iterable
    public function getAvailableMethods($customMethods = null)
        foreach ([$this->methods, $customMethods ?: $this->getCustomMethods()] as $methods) {
            foreach ($methods as $method => $action) {
                $method = is_int($method) ? $action : $method;

                if (substr($method, 0, 2) !== '__') {
                    yield $method;

     * Dump the list of available methods as textual output.
     * @param array|null $customMethods pass custom methods list (calculated from the facade if missing)
    public function listAvailableMethods($customMethods = null)
        echo "Available methods are:\n";
        foreach ($this->getAvailableMethods($customMethods ?: $this->getCustomMethods()) as $method) {
            $action = $this->convertToKebabCase($method);
            $target = isset($this->methods[$method]) ? $this->methods[$method] : $method;
            $key = array_search($target, $this->methods);
            if (is_int($key)) {
                $key = $this->methods[$key];

            echo ' - '.$action.(
                $key && $key !== $method
                    ? ' ('.$this->convertToKebabCase($key).' alias)'
                    : ''

    protected function convertToKebabCase($string)
        return preg_replace_callback('/[A-Z]/', function ($match) {
            return '-'.strtolower($match[0]);
        }, (string) $string);

    protected function convertToCamelCase($string)
        return preg_replace_callback('/-([a-z])/', function ($match) {
            return strtoupper($match[1]);
        }, (string) $string);

    protected function execute($facade, $method, $arguments, $outputFile)
        $callable = [$facade, $method];
        $arguments = array_map(function ($argument) {
            return in_array(substr((string) $argument, 0, 1), ['[', '{'], true)
                ? json_decode($argument, true)
                : $argument;
        }, $arguments);
        if (isset($this->methods[$method])) {
            $method = $this->methods[$method];
            $callable = [$facade, $method];
            if (!is_string($method)) {
                $callable = $method;
                $arguments = [$facade, $arguments];

        $text = call_user_func_array($callable, $arguments);
        if ($outputFile) {
            return file_put_contents($outputFile, $text);

        echo $text;

        return true;

    protected function getNamedArgumentBySpaceDelimiter(array &$arguments, $index, $name)
        if ($arguments[$index] === $name) {
            array_splice($arguments, $index, 1);
            if (isset($arguments[$index])) {
                $value = $arguments[$index];
                array_splice($arguments, $index, 1);

                return $value;

        return false;

    protected function getNamedArgumentByEqualOperator(array &$arguments, $index, $name)
        if (preg_match('/^'.preg_quote($name).'=(.*)$/', (string) $arguments[$index], $match)) {
            array_splice($arguments, $index, 1);

            return $match[1];

        return false;

    protected function getNamedArgument(array &$arguments, array $names)
        foreach ($names as $name) {
            foreach ($arguments as $index => $argument) {
                $value = $this->getNamedArgumentBySpaceDelimiter($arguments, $index, $name) ?:
                    $this->getNamedArgumentByEqualOperator($arguments, $index, $name);
                if ($value) {
                    return $value;

        return false;