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namespace Phug\Renderer\Partial;
use ErrorException;
use Phug\Compiler\LocatorInterface;
use Phug\Compiler\WithUpperLocatorInterface;
use Phug\Renderer\Adapter\FileAdapter;
use Phug\Renderer\AdapterInterface;
use Phug\Renderer\CacheInterface;
use Phug\Renderer\Event\HtmlEvent;
use Phug\Renderer\Event\RenderEvent;
use Phug\RendererException;
use Phug\Util\SandBox;
* Trait AdapterTrait: require ModuleContainerInterface to be implemented.
trait AdapterTrait
* @var AdapterInterface
private $adapter;
* Fallback to FileAdapter if the current adapter (typically an adapter) is not a cache adapter
* (implement CacheInterface).
private function expectCacheAdapter()
if (!($this->adapter instanceof CacheInterface)) {
* Create/reset if needed the adapter.
* @throws RendererException
* @return $this
public function initAdapter()
$adapterClassName = $this->getOption('adapter_class_name');
if (!$this->adapter || !is_a($this->adapter, $adapterClassName)) {
if (!is_a($adapterClassName, AdapterInterface::class, true)) {
throw new RendererException(
"Passed adapter class $adapterClassName is ".
'not a valid '.AdapterInterface::class
$this->adapter = new $adapterClassName($this, $this->getOptions());
return $this;
public function initAdapterLinkToCompiler()
$compiler = $this->getCompiler();
if ($compiler &&
$this->adapter &&
$this->adapter instanceof LocatorInterface &&
$compiler instanceof WithUpperLocatorInterface
) {
* Get the current adapter used (file, stream, eval or custom adapter provided).
* @return AdapterInterface
public function getAdapter()
return $this->adapter;
* Set the current adapter engine (file, stream, eval or custom adapter provided).
* @return $this
public function setAdapterClassName($adapterClassName)
return $this->setOption('adapter_class_name', $adapterClassName)->initAdapter();
* Return a sandbox with renderer settings for a given callable action.
* @param callable $action
* @return SandBox
public function getNewSandBox(callable $action)
$errorHandler = $this->getOption('error_reporting');
if ($errorHandler !== null && !is_callable($errorHandler)) {
$errorReporting = $errorHandler;
$errorHandler = function ($number, $message, $file, $line) use ($errorReporting) {
if ($errorReporting & $number) {
throw new ErrorException($message, 0, $number, $file, $line);
return true;
return new SandBox($action, $errorHandler);
* Call an adapter method inside a sandbox and return the SandBox result.
* @param string $source
* @param string $method
* @param string $path
* @param string $input
* @param callable $getSource
* @param array $parameters
* @return SandBox
Method `getSandboxCall` has 6 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring.
private function getSandboxCall(&$source, $method, $path, $input, callable $getSource, array $parameters)
return $this->getNewSandBox(function () use (&$source, $method, $path, $input, $getSource, $parameters) {
$adapter = $this->getAdapter();
$cacheEnabled = (
$adapter->hasOption('cache_dir') && $adapter->getOption('cache_dir') ||
$this->hasOption('cache_dir') && $this->getOption('cache_dir')
if ($cacheEnabled) {
$adapter = $this->getAdapter();
$display = function () use ($adapter, $path, $input, $getSource, $parameters) {
/* @var CacheInterface $adapter */
$adapter->displayCached($path, $input, $getSource, $parameters);
return in_array($method, ['display', 'displayFile'], true)
? $display()
: $adapter->captureBuffer($display);
$source = $getSource($path, $input);
return $adapter->$method(
* Handle an html event and accordingly to it, display, returns or throw the result/error.
* @param HtmlEvent $htmlEvent
* @param array $parameters
* @param callable $getSource
* @throws RendererException|\Throwable
* @return mixed
private function handleHtmlEvent(HtmlEvent $htmlEvent, array $parameters, $path, callable $getSource)
if ($error = $htmlEvent->getError()) {
$this->handleError($error, 1, $path, $getSource(), $parameters, [
'debug' => $this->getOption('debug'),
'exit_on_error' => $this->getOption('exit_on_error'),
'error_handler' => $this->getOption('error_handler'),
'html_error' => $this->getOption('html_error'),
'error_context_lines' => $this->getOption('error_context_lines'),
'color_support' => $this->getOption('color_support'),
if ($buffer = $htmlEvent->getBuffer()) {
echo $buffer;
return $htmlEvent->getResult();
* Call a method on the adapter (render, renderFile, display, displayFile, more methods can be available depending
* on the adapter user).
* @param string $method
* @param string $path
* @param string $input
* @param callable $getSource
* @param array $parameters
* @throws RendererException|\Throwable
* @return bool|string|null
Method `callAdapter` has 26 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Method `callAdapter` has 5 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function callAdapter($method, $path, $input, callable $getSource, array $parameters)
$source = '';
$renderEvent = new RenderEvent($input, $path, $method, $parameters);
$input = $renderEvent->getInput();
$path = $renderEvent->getPath();
$method = $renderEvent->getMethod();
$parameters = $this->mergeWithSharedVariables($renderEvent->getParameters());
if ($self = $this->getOption('self')) {
$self = $self === true ? 'self' : strval($self);
$parameters = [
$self => $parameters,
$sandBox = $this->getSandboxCall($source, $method, $path, $input, $getSource, $parameters);
$htmlEvent = new HtmlEvent(
$sourceOnDemand = function () use ($source, $getSource, $path, $input) {
return $source ?: $getSource($path, $input);
return $this->handleHtmlEvent($htmlEvent, $parameters, $path, $sourceOnDemand);