<?php namespace Phug\Renderer\Profiler; use Phug\Event;use Phug\Util\ModuleContainerInterface;use ReflectionMethod;use Traversable; class Dump{ private $object; public function __construct($object) { $this->object = $object; } private function dumpArray($object, $deep, $maxDeep = 3) { $result = ( $object instanceof Traversable ? get_class($object) : 'array' ).' '; $count = 0; $content = ''; foreach ($object as $key => $value) { if (++$count <= 16) { $content .= "\n".str_repeat(' ', ($deep + 1) * 2); $content .= $count === 16 ? '...' : var_export($key, true).' => '. $this->dumpValue($value, $deep + 1, $maxDeep); } } $result .= $count ? "($count) [$content\n".str_repeat(' ', $deep * 2).']' : '[]'; return $result; } Function `getExposedProperties` has a Cognitive Complexity of 18 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Method `getExposedProperties` has 29 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. private function getExposedProperties($object, $deep) { $result = "\n"; foreach (get_class_methods($object) as $method) { if (mb_strlen($result) > 0x80000) { $result .= str_repeat(' ', ($deep + 1) * 2).'...'; break; } if (preg_match('/^get[A-Z]/', $method)) { if ($method === 'getOptions') { continue; } $reflexion = new ReflectionMethod($object, $method); if ($reflexion->getNumberOfRequiredParameters() > 0) { continue; } $value = call_user_func([$object, $method]); if ($value instanceof ModuleContainerInterface) { continue; } $result .= str_repeat(' ', ($deep + 1) * 2). mb_substr($method, 3).' => '. ( $value instanceof Event ? $value->getName().' event' : $this->dumpValue($value, $deep + 1) ). "\n"; } } return $result.str_repeat(' ', $deep * 2); } private function dumpObject($object, $deep, $maxDeep = 3) { $result = get_class($object).' {'.( $deep <= $maxDeep ? $this->getExposedProperties($object, $deep) : '...' ).'}'; if (mb_strlen($result) > 0x80000) { $result = mb_substr($result, 0, 0x80000 - 3).'...'; } return $result; } private function dumpValue($object, $deep, $maxDeep = 3) { $type = gettype($object); if (in_array($type, [ 'boolean', 'integer', 'double', 'string', 'resource', 'NULL', ], true)) { return var_export($object, true); } if ($type === 'array' || $object instanceof Traversable) { return $this->dumpArray($object, $deep, $maxDeep); } return $this->dumpObject($object, $deep, $maxDeep); } /** * Return a simplified dump of an object/value. * * @param mixed $object * * @return string */ public function dump() { return $this->dumpValue($this->object, 0); }}