<?php namespace Phug\Util; class Hasher{ /** * Input string to hash. * * @var string */ protected $input; public function __construct($input) { $this->input = $input; } /** * Return a hashed print for the current input file or content. * * @return string */ public function hash() { // Get the stronger hashing algorithm available to minimize collision risks $algorithms = hash_algos(); $algorithm = $algorithms[0]; $number = 0; foreach ($this->getMdAndShaAlgorithms($algorithms) as list($hashAlgorithm, $hashNumber)) { if ($hashNumber > $number) { $number = $hashNumber; $algorithm = $hashAlgorithm; } } return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode(hash($algorithm, $this->input, true)), '+/', '-_'), '='); } private function getMdAndShaAlgorithms($algorithms) { foreach ($algorithms as $hashAlgorithm) { $lettersLength = $this->getPrefixLength($hashAlgorithm); if ($lettersLength) { $hashNumber = substr($hashAlgorithm, $lettersLength); yield [$hashAlgorithm, $hashNumber]; } } } private function getPrefixLength($hashAlgorithm) { return substr($hashAlgorithm, 0, 2) === 'md' ? 2 : ( substr($hashAlgorithm, 0, 3) === 'sha' ? 3 : 0 ); }}