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# Frequently Asked Questions

 * [How can I remove the hyperlink of the title of the post?](#no_link)
 * [How can I use the shortcode in a Widget?](#widget)
 * [How to insert the shortcode on the theme and not a post or page](#shortcode-theme)
 * [How to display lists in columns](#columns)
 * [How do I display the Thumbnail next to the title?](#thumbnail)
 * [How to not display the title](#no-title)
 * [How do I remove the bullets from the list?](#bullets)
 * [The plugin doesn't work on servers with PHP < 5](#php5)
 * [Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error](#fatal-error)

## <a name="no_link"></a>How can I remove the hyperlink of the title of the post?

Add `link_titles=false` to your shortcode.

## <a name="thumbnail"></a>How do I display the Thumbnail next to the title?

To see the thumbnail next to the title, you can add a class to it like

`[catlist id=1 thumbnail=yes thumbnail_class=lcp_thumbnail]`

Then in your theme's stylesheet add this code:

  float: left;

.lcp_catlist li{
  clear: both;

If you want the thumbnail to the right, just change the `float: left`
attribute to `float: right`.

## <a name="no-title"></a>How to not display the title

Add `no_post_titles=yes` to your shortcode.

## <a name="shortcode-theme"></a>How to insert the shortcode on the theme and not a post or page

You can use this code on your theme (sidebar, footer, or wherever you like):
`<?php echo do_shortcode("[catlist id=3]"); ?>`

## <a name="columns"></a> How to display lists in columns

You don't need a template for this. You can write something like this when editing your page/post (in the "Text" text-editor):

    [catlist id=3 numberposts=5 excludeposts=this]
    [catlist id=3 numberposts=5 excludeposts=this offset=5]

The offset should equal the number of posts (`numberposts`) times the number of column - 1. So if you had a third column, the code would look like this:
    [catlist id=3 numberposts=5 excludeposts=this]
    [catlist id=3 numberposts=5 excludeposts=this offset=5]
    [catlist id=3 numberposts=5 excludeposts=this offset=10]
## <a name="widget"></a>How can I use the shortcode in a Widget?

Since WordPress 4.9, you can use a shortcode in a widget.
If you’re using a previous WordPress version, add this code to your theme’s functions.php file:
add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');

Then just add a new text widget to your blog and use the shortcode there
as the widget's content.

## <a name="bullets"></a>How do I remove the bullets from the list?

By default the posts will be displayed inside a ul tag with the
`lcp_catlist` CSS class. So to make the bullets disappear, just add
this CSS code to your theme's stylesheet:

.lcp_catlist li{
  list-style: none;

## <a name="php5"></a>Does not work on servers with PHP < 5

This is true since version 0.18. If you're still using PHP 4 on your webhost, you should consider upgrading to PHP 5. WordPress 3.1 was the last version to support PHP 4, from 3.2 and forward, only PHP 5 is supported. You can still [download an older version of the plugin](https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/list-category-posts/download/ "download an older version of the plugin") if you're using PHP 4.

## <a name="fatal-error"></a>Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error

Something like this:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting
on line 10*

It's probably due to the webhost using PHP 4. CatListDisplayer.php
declares private attributes. PHP 4 doesn't have public, private or
protected accessors. Try updating your server or using an [older version](http://wordpress.org/plugins/list-category-posts/download/).

Please check: