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Test Coverage
 * @copyright    Copyright (C) 2007 - 2014 Johan Janssens and Timble CVBA. (http://www.timble.net)
 * @license        Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
 * @link        http://github.com/joomlatools/joomla-console for the canonical source repository

namespace JoomlaCli\Console\Joomla;

class Bootstrapper

        const SITE  = 0;
        const ADMIN = 1;
        const CLI   = 2;

     * Returns a Joomla application with a root user logged in
     * @param string $base Base path for the Joomla installation
     * @return Application
    public static function getApplication($base, $client_id = self::CLI)
        $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = 80;

        if (!defined('_JEXEC'))
            $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'localhost';
            $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'joomla-cli/1.0.0';

            define('_JEXEC', 1);
            define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);

            define('JPATH_BASE', realpath($base));

            require_once JPATH_BASE . '/includes/defines.php';

            require_once JPATH_BASE . '/includes/framework.php';
            require_once JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/import.legacy.php';

            require_once JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/cms.php';

        $credentials = array(
            'name'      => 'root',
            'username'  => 'root',
            'groups'    => array(8),
            'email'     => 'root@localhost.home'

        $application = new Application(array('root_user' => 'root', 'client_id' => $client_id));

        // If there are no marks in JProfiler debug plugin performs a division by zero using count($marks)
        \JProfiler::getInstance('Application')->mark('Hello world');

        return $application;