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namespace pinpie\pinpie\Tags;

class Snippet extends Tag {

    public function getOutput() {
    $time_start = microtime(true);
    $this->filename = $this->getFilePath();
    $this->pinpie->times[] = [microtime(true), 'Tag #' . $this->index . ' ' . $this->tagpath . ' started processing'];
    if (!$this->doChecks()) {
      return '';
    $content = $this->draw();
    $this->time['processing'] = microtime(true) - $time_start;
    $this->pinpie->times[] = [microtime(true), 'Tag #' . $this->index . ' ' . $this->tagpath . ' finished processing'];
    return $content;

  protected function doChecks() {
    if (empty($this->filename)) {
      $this->error('Can\'t create a filename');
      return false;
    if ($this->settings['realpath check']) {
      if (false === $this->pinpie->checkPathIsInFolder($this->filename, $this->settings['folder'])) {
        $this->error('File path "' . $this->filename . '" does\'nt belong to it\'s expected folder "' . $this->settings['folder'] . '".');
        return false;
    if (!file_exists($this->filename)) {
      $this->error('File not found at ' . $this->filename);
      return false;
    if ($this->depth > 100) {
      $this->error('Maximum recursion level achieved');
      return false;
    if ($this->pinpie->totalSnippetsProcessed > 9999) {
      $this->error('Over nine thousands snippets processed. It\'s time to take some rest.');
      return false;
    return true;

  protected function draw() {
    $content = '';
    $this->filetime = filemtime($this->filename);
    if (!$this->cachetime OR $this->cachebleParents) {
      //стоит запрет кеширования или не нужно кешировать, если один из родителей будет закеширован
      $content = $this->render();
    } else {
      //кешируем или читаем из кеша
      $cached = $this->pinpie->cacher->get($this);
      //прочекать все файлы вдруг они изменились со времени $cached['time']
      //если вернулся фалс, значит либо нету, либо время у файла новее, либо отвалился кеш =)
      if (
        //не удалось прочесть из кеша или
        $cached === false
        //время кеширования истекло
        $this->cacheCheckTime($cached) === false
        //или есть файлы, которые изменились
        $this->cacheCheckFiles($cached) === false
      ) {
        $this->action = 'processed';
        $content = $this->render();
        $this->pinpie->times[] = [microtime(true), 'Tag #' . $this->index . ' ' . $this->tagpath . ' finished rendering'];
        // Fresh new content, have to put into the cache.
        // To clean list of files from empty entries I use array_filter(array_keys($this->collectFiles()))].
        if ($this->pinpie->cacher->set($this, ['fulltag' => $this->fulltag, 'content' => $content, 'vars' => $this->vars, 'time' => time(), 'files' => array_filter(array_keys($this->collectFiles()))], $this->cachetime)) {
          // SAVED
          $this->action = 'processed and cached';
        } else {
          // CAN'T SAVE
          $this->error('can`t put content to cache');
        $this->pinpie->times[] = [microtime(true), 'Tag #' . $this->index . ' ' . $this->tagpath . ' finished caching'];
      } else {
        //обновлять не надо, файл старый, берём из кеша и усё
        $this->action = 'from cache';
        $content = $cached['content'];
    return $content;

  protected function getContent() {
    return $this->fileExecute($this->filename, $this->params);

  protected function getFilePath() {
        if ($this->name === '' OR $this->name === false OR $this->name === null){
            return false;
    $folder = '';
    if (!empty($this->settings['folder'])) {
      $folder = $this->settings['folder'];
    return $folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . trim(str_replace('\\', '/', $this->name), '\\/') . '.php';

  protected function cacheCheckTime($cached) {
    if (!isset($cached['time'])) {
      return false;
    if ($this->cachetime > 0 AND $this->cachetime < (time() - $cached['time'])) {
      return false;
    return true;

  protected function cacheCheckFiles($cached) {
    foreach ($cached['files'] as $file) {
      $mt = $this->pinpie->filemtime($file);
      if ($mt === false OR $mt > $cached['time'])
        return false;
    return true;

  protected function collectFiles() {
    // filenames are stored as keys to prevent duplicates
    return array_merge($this->files, [$this->filename => true, $this->templateFilename => true]);
