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Test Coverage
package main

import (



type configuration struct {
    cl      *flag.FlagSet
    address string
    auth    struct {
        username string
        password string
        enabled  bool
    register struct {
        ifNotExists bool
        username    string
        password    string
        firstName   string
        lastName    string
        superuser   bool
        confirmed   bool
        staff       bool
        active      bool
        permissions charon.Permissions
    refreshToken struct {
        expireAfter time.Duration
        notes       string
    fixtures struct {
        path string

func (c *configuration) init() {
    *c = configuration{
        cl: flag.NewFlagSet(os.Args[0], flag.ExitOnError),

    c.cl.Usage = func() {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage of %s:\n", os.Args[0])
    c.cl.StringVar(&c.address, "address", "charond:8080", "charon address")
    c.cl.BoolVar(&c.auth.enabled, "auth", true, "authorization check flag")
    c.cl.StringVar(&c.auth.username, "auth.username", "", "username")
    c.cl.StringVar(&c.auth.password, "auth.password", "", "password")
    // register
    c.cl.BoolVar(&c.register.ifNotExists, "register.ifnotexists", false, "application does not fail if user already exists")
    c.cl.StringVar(&c.register.username, "register.username", "", "username")
    c.cl.StringVar(&c.register.password, "register.password", "", "password")
    c.cl.StringVar(&c.register.firstName, "register.firstname", "", "first name")
    c.cl.StringVar(&c.register.lastName, "register.lastname", "", "last name")
    c.cl.Var(&c.register.permissions, "register.permission", "list of permissions that user should")
    c.cl.BoolVar(&c.register.superuser, "register.superuser", false, "is user the superuser")
    c.cl.BoolVar(&c.register.confirmed, "register.confirmed", false, "is user account confirmed")
    c.cl.BoolVar(&c.register.staff, "register.staff", false, "is user part of the staff")
    c.cl.BoolVar(&c.register.active, "register.active", false, "is user account active")
    // refresh token
    c.cl.DurationVar(&c.refreshToken.expireAfter, "refreshtoken.expireafter", 0, "duration after which token expires")
    c.cl.StringVar(&c.refreshToken.notes, "refreshtoken.notes", "", "extra notes")
    // fixtures
    c.cl.StringVar(&c.fixtures.path, "fixtures.path", "", "path to the fixtures path")


func (c *configuration) parse() {
    if c == nil || c.cl == nil {
    if !c.cl.Parsed() {
        if len(os.Args) > 1 {

func (c *configuration) cmd() string {
    if len(os.Args) > 1 {
        return os.Args[1]
    return "help"