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# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'tty-editor'

require_relative 'vendor'

module GithubCLI
  # Main command line interface
  class CLI < Thor
    def initialize(*args)
      prompt = TTY::Prompt.new(enabled_color: !options["no-color"])
      GithubCLI.ui = UI.new(prompt)
      GithubCLI.ui.debug! if options["verbose"]
      #options["no-pager"] ? Pager.disable : Pager.enable

    ALIASES = {
      'repository' => 'repo',
      'reference'  => 'ref',
      'is'         => :issue,
      '--version'  => 'version',
      '-V'         => 'version',
      'ls'         => 'list'

    map ALIASES

    class_option :filename, :type => :string,
                 :desc => "Configuration file name.", :banner => "<filename>",
                 :default => ".gcliconfig"
    class_option :token, :type => :string,
                 :desc => 'Authentication token.',
                 :banner => '<oauth token>'
    class_option :login, :type => :string
    class_option :password, :type => :string
    class_option "no-color", :type => :boolean,
                 :desc => "Disable colorization in output."
    class_option "no-pager", :type => :boolean,
                 :desc => "Disable pagination of the output."
    class_option :pager, :type => :string, :aliases => '-p',
                 :desc => "Command to be used for paging.",
                 :banner => "less|more|..."
    class_option :quiet, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-q",
                 :desc => "Suppress response output"
    class_option :verbose, :type => :boolean,
                 :desc => "Enable verbose output mode."
    class_option :version, :type => :boolean, :aliases => ['-V'],
                 :desc => "Show program version"

    option :local, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => "-l",
           :desc => 'Modify local configuration file, otherwise a global configuration file is changed.'
    option :scopes, :type => :array, :banner => "user public_repo repo...",
      :desc => "A list of scopes that this authorization is in."
    option :note, :type => :string,
      :desc => "A note to remind you what the OAuth token is for."
    option :note_url, :type => :string,
      :desc => "A URL to remind you what the OAuth token is for."
    desc 'authorize', 'Add user authentication token'
    long_desc <<-DESC
      Create authorization token for a user named <username> Save user credentials to the .githubrc file.\n

      The username, password, and email are read in from prompts.

      You may use this command to change your details.
    def authorize
      global_options = options.dup
      params = {}
      params['scopes']   = options[:scopes] || %w(public_repo repo)
      params['note']     = options[:note] || 'github_cli'
      params['note_url'] = options[:note_url] || 'https://github.com/peter-murach/github_cli'
      global_options[:params] = params
      # Need to configure client with login and password
      login    = GithubCLI.ui.ask("login:").strip!
      password = GithubCLI.ui.mask("password:").strip!

      global_options['login']    = login
      global_options['password'] = password
      global_options['quiet']    = options[:quiet]

      res   = self.invoke("auth:create", [], global_options)
      token = res.body['token']

      config = GithubCLI.new_config
      path = options[:local] ? Dir.pwd : Dir.home
      fullpath = ::File.join(path, "#{config.filename}")

      config.set('user.login', value: login)
      config.set('user.password', value: password)
      config.set('user.token', value: token)

      config.write(::File.join(path, config_filename),
                   force: options[:force], format: 'yml')

      GithubCLI.ui.warn("\nYour #{fullpath} configuration file has been overwritten!")

    desc 'whoami', 'Print the username config to standard out'
    def whoami
      config = GithubCLI.config
      who = config.fetch('user.login') || "Not authed. Run 'gcli authorize'"

    option :force, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => "-f",
           :banner => "Overwrite configuration file. "
    option :local, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => "-l",
           :desc => 'Create local configuration file, otherwise a global configuration file in user home is created.'
    desc 'init', 'Create a configuration file or overwirte existing one'
    long_desc <<-DESC
      Initializes a configuration file where you can set default options for
      interacting with GitHub API.\n

      Both global and per-command options can be specified. These defaults
      override the bult-in defaults and allow you to save typing commonly  used
      command line options.
    def init(filename = nil)
      config_filename = filename ? filename : options[:filename]
      config = GithubCLI.new_config
      config.filename = config_filename

      path = options[:local] ? Dir.pwd : Dir.home
      fullpath = ::File.join(path, "#{config.filename}")

      if File.exists?(fullpath) && !options[:force]
        GithubCLI.ui.error("Not overwritting existing config file #{fullpath}, use --force to override.")
        exit 1

      config.write(::File.join(path, config.filename),
                   force: options[:force], format: 'yml')

      GithubCLI.ui.confirm("Writing new configuration file to #{fullpath}")

    option :list, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => '-l',
           :desc => 'list all'
    option :edit, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => '-e',
           :desc => 'opens an editor'
    desc 'config', 'Get and set GitHub configuration options'
    long_desc <<-DESC
      You can query/set options with this command. The name is actually a hash key
      string that is a composite one, nested with dots. If only name is provided, a
      value will be retrieved. If two parameters are given then value will be set
      or updated depending whether it already exists or not.\n

      There two types of config files, global and project specific. When modifying
      options ensure that you modifying the correct config.
    def config(*args)
      name, value = args.shift, args.shift
      config = GithubCLI.config

      if !config.exist?
        GithubCLI.ui.error("Configuration file does not exist. Please use `#{GithubCLI.executable_name} init` to create one.")
        exit 1

      if options[:list]
        Terminal.print_config(config) && return
      elsif options[:edit]
        TTY::Editor.open(config.find_file) && return

      if !name
        Terminal.print_config(config) && return

      if !value
        GithubCLI.ui.info(config.set(name, value: value))
        config.write(force: true, format: 'yml')

    desc 'list', 'List all available commands limited by pattern'
    def list(pattern="")
      pattern = /^#{pattern}.*$/i
      Terminal.print_commands pattern

    desc 'version', 'Display Github CLI version.'
    def version
      GithubCLI.ui.info("#{GithubCLI.program_name} #{GithubCLI::VERSION}")

    require_relative 'commands/assignees'
    desc "assignee", "Leverage Assignees API"
    subcommand "assignee", GithubCLI::Commands::Assignees

    require_relative 'commands/authorizations'
    desc "auth", "Leverage Authorizations API"
    subcommand "auth", GithubCLI::Commands::Authorizations

    require_relative 'commands/blobs'
    desc "blob", "Leverage Blobs API"
    subcommand "blob", GithubCLI::Commands::Blobs

    require_relative 'commands/collaborators'
    desc "collab", "Leverage Collaborators API"
    subcommand "collab", GithubCLI::Commands::Collaborators

    require_relative 'commands/commits'
    desc "commit", "Leverage Commits API"
    subcommand "commit", GithubCLI::Commands::Commits

    require_relative 'commands/contents'
    desc "content", "Leverage Contents API"
    subcommand "content", GithubCLI::Commands::Contents

    require_relative 'commands/downloads'
    desc "download", "Leverage Downloads API"
    subcommand "download", GithubCLI::Commands::Downloads

    require_relative 'commands/emails'
    desc "email", "Leverage Emails API"
    subcommand "email", GithubCLI::Commands::Emails

    require_relative 'commands/events'
    desc "event", "Leverage Events API"
    subcommand "event", GithubCLI::Commands::Events

    require_relative 'commands/followers'
    desc "follower", "Leverage Followers API"
    subcommand "follower", GithubCLI::Commands::Followers

    require_relative 'commands/forks'
    desc "fork", "Leverage Forks API"
    subcommand "fork", GithubCLI::Commands::Forks

    require_relative 'commands/gists'
    desc "gist", "Leverage Gists API"
    subcommand "gist", GithubCLI::Commands::Gists

    require_relative 'commands/hooks'
    desc "hook", "Leverage Hooks API"
    subcommand "hook", GithubCLI::Commands::Hooks

    require_relative 'commands/issues'
    desc "issue", "Leverage Issues API"
    subcommand "issue", GithubCLI::Commands::Issues

    require_relative 'commands/keys'
    desc "key", "Leverage Keys API"
    subcommand "key", GithubCLI::Commands::Keys

    require_relative 'commands/labels'
    desc "label", "Leverage Labels API"
    subcommand "label", GithubCLI::Commands::Labels

    require_relative 'commands/members'
    desc "member", "Leverage Members API"
    subcommand "member", GithubCLI::Commands::Members

    require_relative 'commands/merging'
    desc "merge", "Leverage Merging API"
    subcommand "merge", GithubCLI::Commands::Merging

    require_relative 'commands/milestones'
    desc "milestone", "Leverage Milestones API"
    subcommand "milestone", GithubCLI::Commands::Milestones

    require_relative 'commands/notifications'
    desc "notify", "Leverage Notifications API"
    subcommand "notify", GithubCLI::Commands::Notifications

    require_relative 'commands/organizations'
    desc "org", "Leverage Organizations API"
    subcommand "org", GithubCLI::Commands::Organizations

    require_relative 'commands/pull_requests'
    desc "pull", "Leverage Pull Requests API"
    subcommand "pull", GithubCLI::Commands::PullRequests

    require_relative 'commands/references'
    desc "ref", "Leverage References API"
    subcommand "ref", GithubCLI::Commands::References

    require_relative 'commands/releases'
    desc "release", "Leverage Releases API"
    subcommand "release", GithubCLI::Commands::Releases

    require_relative 'commands/repositories'
    desc "repo", "Leverage Repositories API"
    subcommand "repo", GithubCLI::Commands::Repositories

    require_relative 'commands/search'
    desc "search", "Leverage Search API"
    subcommand "search", GithubCLI::Commands::Search

    require_relative 'commands/starring'
    desc "star", "Leverage Starring API"
    subcommand "star", GithubCLI::Commands::Starring

    require_relative 'commands/statistics'
    desc "stat", "Leverage Statistics API"
    subcommand "stat", GithubCLI::Commands::Statistics

    require_relative 'commands/statuses'
    desc "status", "Leverage Statuses API"
    subcommand "status", GithubCLI::Commands::Statuses

    require_relative 'commands/tags'
    desc "tag", "Leverage Tags API"
    subcommand "tag", GithubCLI::Commands::Tags

    require_relative 'commands/teams'
    desc "team", "Leverage Teams API"
    subcommand "team", GithubCLI::Commands::Teams

    require_relative 'commands/trees'
    desc "tree", "Leverage Trees API"
    subcommand "tree", GithubCLI::Commands::Trees

    require_relative 'commands/users'
    desc "user", "Leverage Users API"
    subcommand "user", GithubCLI::Commands::Users

    require_relative 'commands/watching'
    desc "watch", "Leverage Watching API"
    subcommand "watch", GithubCLI::Commands::Watching
  end # CLI
end # GithubCLI