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# frozen_string_literal: true

require_relative "../apis/hook"
require_relative "../util"
require_relative "../command"

module GithubCLI
  module Commands
    class Hooks < Command

      namespace :hook

      desc "list <user> <repo>", "List repository hooks"
      def list(user, repo)
        global_options = options.dup
        params = options[:params].dup
        Util.hash_without!(global_options, %w[ params ])
        Hook.all(user, repo, params, global_options)

      desc "get <user> <repo> <id>", "Get a hook"
      def get(user, repo, id)
        global_options = options.dup
        params = options[:params].dup
        Util.hash_without!(global_options, %w[ params ])
        Hook.get(user, repo, id, params, global_options)

      option :name, :type => :string, :banner => "service",
            :desc => "the name of the service that is being called"
      option :config, :type => :hash, :required => :true, :banner => "",
            :desc => "a hash containing key/value pairs to provide settings for this hook"
      option :events, :type => :array,
            :desc => "Determines what events the hook is triggered for. Default: ['push']"
      option :active, :type => :boolean, :default => true,
            :desc => "determines whether the hook is actually triggered on pushes"
      desc "create <user> <repo>", "Create a hook"
      long_desc <<-DESC

        name - Required string - the name of the service that is being called.\n
        config - Required hash - A Hash containing key/value pairs to provide settings for this hook. \n
        events - Optional array - Determines what events the hook is triggered for. Default: ["push"] \n
        active - Optional boolean - Determines whether the hook is actually triggered on pushes.
      def create(user, repo)
        global_options = options.dup
        params = options[:params].dup
        params["name"]   = options[:name] if options.key?("config")
        params["config"] = options[:config] if options.key?("config")
        params["events"] = options[:events] if options.key?("events")
        params["active"] = options[:active] if options.key?("active")
        Util.hash_without!(global_options, %w[ params name config events active ])
        Hook.create user, repo, params, global_options

      option :config, :type => :hash, :banner => "",
            :desc => "a hash containing key/value pairs to provide settings for this hook"
      option :events, :type => :array,
            :desc => "Determines what events the hook is triggered for. Default: ['push']"
      option :add_events, :type => :array,
            :desc => "Determines a list of events to be added to the list of events that the Hook triggers for."
      option :remove_events, :type => :array,
            :desc => "Determines a list of events to be removed from the list of events that the Hook triggers for."
      option :active, :type => :boolean, :default => true,
            :desc => "determines whether the hook is actually triggered on pushes"
      desc "edit <user> <repo> <id>", "Edit a hook"
      long_desc <<-DESC

        name - Required string - the name of the service that is being called. \n
        config - Required hash - A Hash containing key/value pairs to provide settings for this hook. \n
        events - Optional array - Determines what events the hook is triggered for. This replaces the entire array of events. Default: ["push"]. \n
        add_events - Optional array - Determines a list of events to be added to the list of events that the Hook triggers for. \n
        remove_events - Optional array - Determines a list of events to be removed from the list of events that the Hook triggers for. \n
        active - Optional boolean - Determines whether the hook is actually triggered on pushes. \n
      def edit(user, repo, id)
        global_options = options.dup
        params = options[:params].dup
        params["config"]        = options[:config]
        params["events"]        = options[:events]        if options.key?("events")
        params["add_events"]    = options[:add_events]    if options.key?("add_events")
        params["remove_events"] = options[:remove_events] if options.key?("remove_events")
        params["active"]        = options[:active]        if options.key?("active")
        Util.hash_without!(global_options, params.keys + ["params"])
        Hook.edit(user, repo, id, params, global_options)

      desc "test <user> <repo> <id>", "Test a hook"
      def test(user, repo, id)
        global_options = options.dup
        params = options[:params].dup
        Util.hash_without!(global_options, %w[ params ])
        Hook.test(user, repo, id, params, global_options)

      desc "ping <user> <repo> <id>", "Ping a hook"
      def ping(user, repo, id)
        global_options = options.dup
        params = options[:params].dup
        Util.hash_without!(global_options, %w[ params ])
        Hook.ping(user, repo, id, params, global_options)

      desc "delete <user> <repo> <id>", "Delete a hook"
      def delete(user, repo, id)
        global_options = options.dup
        params = options[:params].dup
        Util.hash_without!(global_options, %w[ params ])
        Hook.delete(user, repo, id, params, global_options)
    end # Hooks
  end # Commands
end # GithubCLI