
View on GitHub


35 mins
Test Coverage
# frozen_string_literal: true

require_relative "../apis/tree"
require_relative "../util"
require_relative "../command"

module GithubCLI
  module Commands
    class Trees < Command

      namespace :tree

      desc "get <user> <repo> <sha>", "Get a Tree"
      method_option :recursive, :type => :boolean, :aliases => ["-r"],
                    :desc => "get a tree recursively"
      def get(user, repo, sha)
        global_options = options.dup
        params = options[:params].dup
        params["recursive"] = options[:recursive] if options[:recursive]
        Util.hash_without!(global_options, params.keys + ["params"])
        Tree.get(user, repo, sha, params, global_options)

      desc "create <user> <repo>", "Create a new Tree"
      option :tree, :type => :array, :required => true,
        :desc => "array of hash objects(of :path, :mode, :type and sha)"
      option :base_tree, :type => :string, :banner => "<SHA>",
        :desc => "optional string of the SHA1 of the tree you want to update with new data"
      long_desc <<-DESC
        The tree creation API will take nested entries as well.
        If both a tree and a nested path modifying that tree are specified,
        it will overwrite the contents of that tree with the new path contents
        and write a new tree out.


        base_tree - optional string of the SHA1 of the tree you want to update with new data \n
        tree - array of hash objects(of :path, :mode, :type and sha) \n
        tree.path - String of the file referenced in the tree \n
        tree.mode - String of the file mode - one of 100644 for file(blob), 100755 for executable (blob), 040000 for subdirectory (tree), 160000 for submodule (commit) or 120000 for a blob that specifies the path of a symlink \n
        tree.type - String of blob, tree, commit \n
        tree.sha - String of SHA1 checksum ID of the object in the tree
        tree.content - String of content you want this file to have - GitHub will write this blob out and use the SHA for this entry. Use either this or tree.sha
      def create(user, repo)
        global_options = options.dup
        params = options[:params].dup
        params["tree"] = options["tree"]
        params["base_tree"] = options[:base_tree] if options.key?("base_tree")
        Util.hash_without!(global_options, params.keys + ["params"])
        Tree.create(user, repo, params, global_options)
    end # Trees
  end # Commands
end # GithubCLI