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# TTY::Editor

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> Open a file or text in a preferred terminal text editor.

**TTY::Editor** provides independent component for [TTY](https://github.com/piotrmurach/tty) toolkit.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "tty-editor"

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install tty-editor

## Contents

* [1. Usage](#1-usage)
* [2. API](#2-api)
  * [2.1 new](#21-new)
    * [2.1.1 :command](#211-command)
    * [2.1.2 :env](#212-env)
    * [2.1.3 :raise_on_failure](#213-raise_on_failure)
    * [2.1.4 :prompt](#214-prompt)
    * [2.1.5 :hide_menu](#215-hide_menu)
    * [2.1.6 :enable_color](#216-enable_color)
    * [2.1.7 :menu_interrupt](#217-menu_interrupt)
  * [2.2 open](#22-open)
* [3. Default Editors](#3-default-editors)

## 1. Usage

To edit a file in a default text editor do:


To edit text in a default editor:

TTY::Editor.open(text: "Some text")

You can also open multiple existing and/or new files:

TTY::Editor.open("file_1", "file_2", "new_file_3")

Note that the `VISUAL` or `EDITOR` shell environment variables take precedence when auto detecting available editors.

You can also set your preferred editor command(s) and ignore `VISUAL` and `EDITOR` as well as other user preferences:

TTY::Editor.open("/path/to/file", command: "vim -f")

When `VISUAL` or `EDITOR` are not specified, a selection menu will be presented to the user.

For example, if an user has `code`, `emacs` and `vim` editors available on their system, they will see the following menu:

Select an editor?
  1) code
  2) emacs
  3) vim
  Choose 1-3 [1]:

You can further customise this behaviour with [:prompt](#214-prompt), [:hide_menu](#215-hide_menu), [:enable_color](#216-enable_color) and [:menu_interrupt](#217-menu_interrupt).

## 2. API

### 2.1 new

Instantiation of an editor will trigger automatic search for available command-line editors:

editor = TTY::Editor.new

You can change default search with the `:command` keyword argument.

#### 2.1.1 :command

You can force to always use a specific editor by passing `:command` option:

editor = TTY::Editor.new(command: "vim")

Or you can specify multiple commands and give a user a choice:

editor = TTY::Editor.new(command: ["vim", "emacs"])

The class-level `open` method accepts the same parameters:

TTY::Editor.open("/path/to/file", command: "vim")

#### 2.1.2 :env

Use `:env` key to forward environment variables to the text editor launch command:

TTY::Editor.new(env: {"FOO" => "bar"})

The class-level `open` method accepts the same parameters:

TTY::Editor.open("/path/to/file", env: {"FOO" => "bar"})

#### 2.1.3 :raise_on_failure

By default when editor fails to open a `false` status is returned:

TTY::Editor.open("/path/to/unknown/file") # => false

Alternatively, you can use `:raise_on_failure` to raise an error on failure to open a file.

The `TTY::Editor::CommandInvocationError` will be raised anytime an editor fails to open a file:

editor = TTY::Editor.new(raise_on_failure: true)
# => raises TTY::Editor::ComandInvocationError

#### 2.1.4 :prompt

When more than one editor is available and user hasn't specified their preferred choice via `VISUAL` or `EDITOR` variables, a selection menu is presented.

For example, when `code`, `emacs` and `vim` executable exists on the system, the following menu will be displayed:

Select an editor?
  1) code
  2) emacs
  3) vim
  Choose 1-3 [1]:

If you would like to change the menu prompt use `:prompt` keyword:

editor = TTY::Editor.new(prompt: "Which one do you fancy?")

This may produce the following in the terminal:

Which one do you fancy?
  1) code
  2) emacs
  3) vim
  Choose 1-3 [1]:

#### 2.1.5 :hide_menu

When more than one editor is available from the default list, a selection menu will be displayed in the console:

Select an editor?
  1) code
  2) emacs
  3) vim
  Choose 1-3 [1]:

To hide the menu and automatically choose the first available editor use the `:hide_menu` keyword option:

editor = TTY::Editor.new(hide_menu: true)

#### 2.1.6 :enable_color

An editor selection menu will display the first choice in colour on terminals that support colours. However, you can turn off colouring with the `:enable_color` keyword option:

editor = TTY::Editor.new(enable_color: false)

Equally, you can enforce the current menu choice to be always coloured:

editor = TTY::Editor.new(enable_color: true)

### 2.1.7 :menu_interrupt

When an editor selection menu gets interrupted by the `Ctrl+C` key, an `InputInterrupt` error is raised. To change this, provide the `:menu_interrupt` option with one of the following:

* `:error` - raises `InputInterrupt` error
* `:exit` - exits with `130` status code
* `:noop` - skips handler
* `:signal` - sends interrupt signal
* `proc` - custom proc handler

For example, to immediately exit the menu and program do:

editor = TTY::Editor.new(menu_interrupt: :exit)

### 2.2 open

There is a class-level and instance-level `open` method. These are equivalent:

editor = TTY::Editor.new
# or

Creating `TTY::Editor` instance means that the search for a command editor will be performed only once. Then the editor command will be shared between invocations of `open` call.

Conversely, the class-level `open` method will search for an editor each time it is invoked.

The following examples of using the `open` method apply to both the instance and class level invocations.

If you wish to open an editor without giving a file or content do:


To open a file, pass a path as an argument to `open`:

# => true

When editor successfully opens a file or content then `true` is returned, `false` otherwise.

You can change this with `:raise_on_failure` keyword to raise a `TTY::Editor::CommandInvocation` error when an editor cannot be opened.

In order to open text content inside an editor use `:text` keyword like so:

TTY::Editor.open(text: "Some text")

You can also provide filename that will be created with specified content before editor is opened:

TTY::Editor.open("/path/to/new-file", text: "Some text")

If you open a filename with already existing content then the new content will be appended at the end of the file.

You can also open multiple existing and non-existing files providing them as consecutive arguments:

TTY::Editor.open("file_1", "file_2", "new_file_3")

## 3. Default Editors

When an editor in `EDITOR` and `VISUAL` environment variables can't be found or isn't specified, a choice menu is displayed. The menu includes available editors from the default list of text editors:

* `Atom`
* `Emacs`
* `gedit`
* `JED`
* `Kate`
* `Mg`
* `Nano`
* `Notepad`
* `Pico`
* `Sublime Text`
* `TextMate`
* `Vi`
* `Vim`
* `Visual Studio Code`

## Development

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org).

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/piotrmurach/tty-editor. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [code of conduct](https://github.com/piotrmurach/tty-editor/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).

## Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the TTY::Editor project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](https://github.com/piotrmurach/tty-editor/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).

## Copyright

Copyright (c) 2017 Piotr Murach. See LICENSE for further details.