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# Verse (Inactive, code moved to strings gem and repo.)

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[travis]: http://travis-ci.org/piotrmurach/verse
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> Text transformations such as truncation, wrapping, aligning, indentation and grouping of words.

**The functionality of this gem has been reimplemented and added to the strings gem @ [https://github.com/piotrmurach/strings](https://github.com/piotrmurach/strings). The code in this repository is no longer maintained.**

## Features

* No monkey-patching String class
* Simple API that can be easily wrapped by other objects
* Supports multibyte character encodings such as UTF-8, EUC-JP
* Handles languages without whitespaces between words (like Chinese and Japanese)
* Supports ANSI escape codes

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'verse'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install verse

## Contents

* [1. Usage](#1-usage)
  * [1.1 Align](#11-align)
  * [1.2 Pad](#12-pad)
  * [1.3 Replace](#13-replace)
  * [1.4 Truncate](#14-truncate)
  * [1.5 Wrap](#15-wrap)

## 1 Usage

### 1.1 Align

**Verse::Alignment** allows you to align text within a given length:

alignment = Verse::Alignment.new "for there is no folly of the beast\n" +
                                 " of the earth which\n" +
                                 " is not infinitely\n" +
                                 " outdone by the madness of men"

Then using direction out of `:right`, `:left` or `:center` methods and passing width you can align the text:

alignment.align(40, :right) # =>
    "      for there is no folly of the beast\n" +
    "                      of the earth which\n" +
    "                       is not infinitely\n" +
    "           outdone by the madness of men"

Aligning `UTF-8` text is also supported:

alignment = Verse::Alignment.new "ラドクリフ\n" +
                                 "、マラソン五輪\n" +
                                 "代表に1万m出\n" +

alignment.center(20) # =>
    "     ラドクリフ     \n" +
    "   、マラソン五輪   \n" +
    "    代表に1万m出    \n" +
    "     場にも含み     "

**Verse::Alignment** works with ANSI escape codoes:

alignment = Verse::Alignment.new "\e[32mthe madness of men\e[0m"
alignment.align(22, :center)
# => "  \e[32mthe madness of men\e[0m  "

### 1.2 Pad

**Verse::Padding** provides facility to pad around text with a given padding.

The padding value needs to be one of the following values corresponding with CSS padding property:

[1,1,1,1]  # => pad text left & right with 1 character and add 1 line above & below
[1,1]      # => as above
1          # => as above

You can pad around a single line of text with `pad` method like so:

padding = Verse::Padding.new("Ignorance is the parent of fear.")

padding.pad([1,1,1,1]) # =>
  "                                  \n" +
  " Ignorance is the parent of fear. \n" +
  "                                  "

In addition, you can `pad` multiline content:

padding = Verse::Padding.new "It is the easiest thing\n" +
                             "in the world for a man\n" +
                             "to look as if he had \n" +
                             "a great secret in him."

padding.pad([1,1,1,1]) # =>
  "                         \n" +
  " It is the easiest thing \n" +
  " in the world for a man \n" +
  " to look as if he had  \n" +
  " a great secret in him. \n" +
  "                         "

You can also specify `UTF-8` text as well:

padding = Verse::Padding.new "ラドクリフ、マラソン"

padding.pad([1,1,1,1]) # =>
  "                      \n" +
  " ラドクリフ、マラソン \n" +
  "                      "

### 1.3 Replace

**Verse::Sanitizer** provides ability to sanitize text with unwanted characters. Given a text with line break characters, `replace` will remove or substitute all occurances of line breaks depending on surrounding context.

sanitizer = Verse::Sanitizer.new
sanitizer.replace("It is not down on any map;\r\n true places never are.")
# => "It is not down on any map; true places never are."

### 1.4 Truncate

Using **Verse::Truncation** you can truncate a given text after a given length.

truncation = Verse::Truncation.new "for there is no folly of the beast of the earth " +
                                   "which is not infinitely outdone by the madness of men"


Then to shorten the text to given length call `truncate`:

truncation.truncate(20) # => "for there is no fol…"

Pass in `:trailing` (by default `…`) to replace last characters:

truncation.truncate(22, trailing: '... (see more)')
# => "for there...(see more)"

You can also specify `UTF-8` text as well:

truncation = Verse::Truncation.new 'ラドクリフ、マラソン五輪代表に1万m出場にも含み'
truncation.truncate(12)   # => "ラドクリフ…"

**Verse::Truncation** works with ANSI escape codoes:

truncation = Verse::Trucnation.new "I try \e[34mall things\e[0m, I achieve what I can"
# => "I try \e[34mall things\e[0m…"

### 1.5 Wrap

**Verse::Wrapping** allows you to wrap text into lines no longer than `wrap_at` argument length. The `wrap` method will break either on whitespace character or in case of east Asian characters on character boundaries.

wrapping = Verse::Wrapping.new "Think not, is my eleventh commandment; " +
                               "and sleep when you can, is my twelfth."


Then to wrap the text to given length do:

wrapping.wrap(30) # =>
  "Think not, is my eleventh"
  "commandment; and sleep when"
  "you can, is my twelfth."

Similarly, to handle `UTF-8` text do:

wrapping = Verse::Wrapping.new "ラドクリフ、マラソン五輪代表に1万m出場にも含み"
wrapping.wrap(8)  # =>

**Verse::Wrapping** knows how to handle ANSI codes:

wrapping = Verse::Wrapping.new "\e[32;44mIgnorance is the parent of fear.\e[0m"
wrapping.wrap(14) # =>
  "\e[32;44mIgnorance is \e[0m"
  "\e[32;44mthe parent of \e[0m"

You can also call `wrap` directly on **Verse**:

Verse.wrap(text, wrap_at)

## Contributing

1. Fork it ( https://github.com/piotrmurach/verse/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request

## Copyright

Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Piotr Murach. See LICENSE for further details.