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defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed');

require_once BASEPATH . '../application/config/config.php';

$config['uri_protocol'] = 'QUERY_STRING';
$config['url_suffix'] = ".html";
$config['enable_hooks'] = true;
$config['subclass_prefix'] = 'MY_';
$config['permitted_uri_chars'] = 'a-z 0-9~%.:_&=@-';
$config['log_path'] = INSTALLATIONPATH . 'application/logs/';
$config['encryption_key'] = md5(INSTALLATIONPATH); // Useful if you have multiple instances on the same server
$config['composer_autoload'] = VENDOR_PATH . 'autoload.php';
$config['subclass_prefix'] = 'PEPISCMS_';

// PepisCMS Specific

| PepisCMS available languages list
$config['languages'] = array(
    'english' => array('english', 'English', 'en.png', 'en'),
    'polish' => array('polish', 'Polski', 'pl.png', 'pl'),
// spanish and romanian disabled, low quality translations

| PepisCMS enabled languages
$config['enabled_languages'] = array('english', 'polish');

| Uploads Path
$config['uploads_path'] = 'uploads/';

| Theme Path
| Default theme path
$config['theme_path'] = 'theme/';

| Upload allowed file extensions
$config['upload_allowed_types'] = 'mov|torrent|dwg|dxf|pln|psd|ai|svg|wks|mdb|sql|accdb|drw|eps|ps|log|msg|wpd|wps|efx|gif|bmp|tiff|vcf|tif|jpg|jpeg|png|zip|zipx|7z|rar|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|cvs|pdf|txt|html|htm|mp3|wav|avi|html|htm|rtf|swf|css|xml|ppt|pps|pptx';

| Module URI separator
| modulename-method-param1-param2.html
| This setting will be replaced by slash in future versions
$config['module_uri_separator'] = '/';

| Is profiler enabled
| Profiler helps you to determine bottlenecks of your application
$config['enable_profiler'] = false;

| Maximum password age
| Maximum password age in seconds, default 0
$config['security_maximum_password_age_in_seconds'] = 0;

| Number of consecutive unsuccessfull authorizations to lock account
| If somebody tries to login using your email, the account will be locked after
| some number of attempts. 0 meaning this option is disabled.
$config['security_number_of_unsuccessfull_authorizations_to_lock_account'] = 0;

| Minimum allowed password strength
| Combined along with security_minimum_allowed_password_length
| 0 Blank
| 1 Normal
| 2 Medium
| 3 Strong
$config['security_minimum_allowed_password_strength'] = 0;

| Minimum allowed password length
| 4 is the minimum, for enterprise systems 12 is recommended
$config['security_minimum_allowed_password_length'] = 4;

| User session must match the original IP
| When set to true, the user session will be terminated if the IP does not match
| Warning: when using mobile internet it is common that the IP of the client varies!
$config['security_session_must_match_ip'] = false;

| Main page module
| Specifies module to be served as mainpage
$config['mainpage_module'] = false;

| Main page module method
| Specifies module method to be served as mainpage
$config['mainpage_module_method'] = false;

| Enables / disables object cache
| Object cache significantly improves system performance but might cause
| problem in cloud environments.
$config['cache_object_is_enabled'] = true;

// PepisCMS bypass
if (!file_exists(INSTALLATIONPATH . 'application/config/config.php')) {
    if (!is_cli() && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/installer/') === false) {
        header('Location: ./installer/');
} else {
    require_once INSTALLATIONPATH . 'application/config/config.php';