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<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

$lang['setup_cache_expires']                           = 'Cache time to live in minutes for website HTML cache';
$lang['setup_cache_expires_desc']                      = 'PepisCMS stores pages in its cache for a specified number of minutes to increase efficiency. Set to 0 to disable cache.';
$lang['setup_cms_customization_login_view_path']       = 'Path of the login form\'s view';
$lang['setup_cms_customization_logo']                  = 'Logo customization path';
$lang['setup_cms_customization_logo_desc']             = 'Should be a PNG image 25px high';
$lang['setup_cms_customization_logo_predefined']       = 'Predefined logo';
$lang['setup_cms_customization_on_login_redirect_url'] = 'Address of redirection after logging in';
$lang['setup_cms_customization_site_public_url']       = 'URL to the front page used in logo anchor in administration panel';
$lang['setup_cms_customization_site_public_url_desc']  = 'Can be either relative to admin mainpage or absolute. Leave blank for default behavior.';
$lang['setup_cms_customization_support_line']          = 'Support line';
$lang['setup_cms_customization_support_line_desc']     = 'Support line appears in the bottom of the page and should contain some contact info.';
$lang['setup_cms_customization_support_link']          = 'Support link';
$lang['setup_cms_customization_support_link_desc']     = 'Appears in the bottom of the page, must be a valid URL or empty.';
$lang['setup_cms_enable_filemanager']                  = 'File manager support';
$lang['setup_cms_enable_filemanager_desc']             = 'Enable or disable the file manager.';
$lang['setup_cms_enable_frontend']                     = 'Frontend support (pages and modules)';
$lang['setup_cms_enable_frontend_desc']                = 'With this option you can completely cancel the frontend. Use this option ONLY for typical intranet applications.';
$lang['setup_cms_enable_utilities']                    = 'Utilities and tools support in the administration panel';
$lang['setup_cms_intranet']                            = 'Site as intranet application';
$lang['setup_cms_intranet_desc']                       = 'Page frontend will be available only to users who are logged in the administrative panel.';
$lang['setup_cms_login_page_description']              = 'Login page description';
$lang['setup_cms_login_page_description_desc']         = 'Text that appears on the login page.';
$lang['setup_current_theme']                           = 'Site\'s theme';
$lang['setup_current_theme_desc']                      = 'Before choosing a template for frontend, make sure it is compatible with the content on the site and installed modules.';
$lang['setup_debug_log_php_deprecated']                = 'Log errors DEPRECATED';
$lang['setup_debug_log_php_error']                     = 'Log errors ERROR';
$lang['setup_debug_log_php_warning']                   = 'Log errors WARNING';
$lang['setup_debug_maintainer_email_address']          = 'Email addresses of people maintaining the system';
$lang['setup_debug_maintainer_email_address_desc']     = 'Enter your email address to get a bug report on error (ERROR) applications. Error logging (ERROR) must be included. To enter more email addresses - separates them with commas.';
$lang['setup_default_language']                        = 'The default application language';
$lang['setup_default_language_desc']                   = 'The default interface language in the administration panel.';
$lang['setup_email_smtp_host']                         = 'Hostname';
$lang['setup_email_smtp_host_desc']                    = 'For instance, ssl://smtp.googlemail.com';
$lang['setup_email_smtp_pass']                         = 'The password for the mailbox';
$lang['setup_email_smtp_port']                         = 'SMTP server port';
$lang['setup_email_smtp_port_desc']                    = 'Standard 25th SSL 587 or 465th';
$lang['setup_email_smtp_user']                         = 'Username';
$lang['setup_email_use_smtp']                          = 'Send email using SMTP';
$lang['setup_email_use_smtp_desc']                     = 'Use this option to send emails using SMTP server and minimize the risk that your email will go to spam.';
$lang['setup_input_group_cache']                       = 'HTML cache options';
$lang['setup_input_group_customization']               = 'System customization';
$lang['setup_input_group_debug']                       = 'Debug options';
$lang['setup_input_group_email']                       = 'Email sending options';
$lang['setup_input_group_features']                    = 'Features';
$lang['setup_input_group_intranet']                    = 'Intranet';
$lang['setup_input_group_pepiscms']                    = 'PepisCMS general options';
$lang['setup_module_name']                             = 'Site\'s configuration';
$lang['setup_read_only_desc']                          = 'Read-only field. To modify the value you must edit the configuration file.';
$lang['setup_site_email']                              = 'Site\'s email';
$lang['setup_site_email_desc']                         = 'This email address appears in the From / Reply-mails sent by the system.';
$lang['setup_site_name']                               = 'Site\'s name';
$lang['setup_site_name_desc']                          = 'The page name appears in the address bar, and is used as the name when sending system emails.';
$lang['setup_timezone']                                = 'Timezone';
$lang['setup_timezone_desc']                           = 'Specify default timezone to be used by application and time functions';