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<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

$lang['cms_groups_add']                         = 'Add a new group';
$lang['cms_groups_add_desc']                    = 'Register a new user group and specify the group\'s access rights.';
$lang['cms_groups_core_modules']                = 'Core modules';
$lang['cms_groups_dialog_delete_group_success'] = 'Group sucessfully deleted!';
$lang['cms_groups_dialog_group_added_success']  = 'The new group has been successfully added!';
$lang['cms_groups_dialog_group_already_exists'] = 'Group having the given name already exists!';
$lang['cms_groups_edit_tip']                    = 'For every security entity select access level that will be granted to the group. If you are not sure what access level to select, use option NONE or FULL ACCESS. For a group to be able to run modules please grant READ access above MODULE entity.';
$lang['cms_groups_group_name']                  = 'Group name';
$lang['cms_groups_header_edit_group']           = 'Edit group';
$lang['cms_groups_header_group_add']            = 'Add a new group';
$lang['cms_groups_index_tip']                   = 'You can create as many user groups as you wish. Any user can belong to any number of groups. The user rights will overlap for an user belonging to several groups.';
$lang['cms_groups_label_group_name']            = 'Name of the group';
$lang['cms_groups_module_description']          = 'Manage user groups and the access righs';
$lang['cms_groups_module_name']                 = 'Groups';
$lang['cms_groups_section']                     = 'Section';
$lang['cms_groups_system']                      = 'System';
$lang['cms_groups_userspace_modules']           = 'User space modules';