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<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

$lang['cms_users_access_denied']                           = 'Access denied';
$lang['cms_users_activate']                                = 'Activate account';
$lang['cms_users_add']                                     = 'Register a new user';
$lang['cms_users_add_description']                         = 'Register a new system administrator';
$lang['cms_users_alternative_email']                       = 'Alternative email address';
$lang['cms_users_birth_date']                              = 'Birth date';
$lang['cms_users_dialog_email_already_in_database']        = 'E-mail %s is already registered with another user.';
$lang['cms_users_dialog_login_already_in_database']        = 'Login %s is already taken. Please try another one.';
$lang['cms_users_dialog_user_registered_success']          = 'The new user has been added!';
$lang['cms_users_display_name']                            = 'Real name';
$lang['cms_users_email']                                   = 'E-mail';
$lang['cms_users_groups']                                  = 'Groups';
$lang['cms_users_inactivate']                              = 'Inactivate account';
$lang['cms_users_index_tip_password_change_not_supported'] = 'You are using <b>%s</b> that does not support adding new users nor changing password using this panel.<br><br>You can block an user using <b>%s</b> system (globally) or by deactivating his account in this panel (only this system).';
$lang['cms_users_input_group_main']                        = 'User';
$lang['cms_users_input_group_secondary']                   = 'Extra information';
$lang['cms_users_is_locked']                               = 'Is locked';
$lang['cms_users_is_locked_description']                   = 'User account can be locked only when the number of incorrect authentications';
$lang['cms_users_is_root']                                 = 'Power user';
$lang['cms_users_is_root_description']                     = 'Root users have unlimited access to the system';
$lang['cms_users_module_description']                      = 'Manage user accounts and their access rights';
$lang['cms_users_module_name']                             = 'User accounts';
$lang['cms_users_note']                                    = 'Note';
$lang['cms_users_password']                                = 'Password';
$lang['cms_users_password_last_changed_timestamp']         = 'Password last changed date';
$lang['cms_users_phone_number']                            = 'Phone number';
$lang['cms_users_reset_password']                          = 'Reset password';
$lang['cms_users_send_email_notification']                 = 'Send email notification';
$lang['cms_users_send_email_notification_description']     = 'Checking this option will send welcome email containing login data to the user. This option works only when SMTP is properly configured for the system.';
$lang['cms_users_status']                                  = 'Status';
$lang['cms_users_status_active']                           = 'Active';
$lang['cms_users_status_description']                      = 'Only active users can login to the system';
$lang['cms_users_status_inactive']                         = 'Inactive';
$lang['cms_users_status_is_locked_no']                     = '-';
$lang['cms_users_status_is_locked_yes']                    = 'Account locked';
$lang['cms_users_title']                                   = 'Title';
$lang['cms_users_unlock']                                  = 'Unlock account';
$lang['cms_users_user_email']                              = 'E-mail';
$lang['cms_users_user_email_description']                  = 'Email address is used as the main user ID, user email must be unique within the system';
$lang['cms_users_user_login']                              = 'Login';
$lang['cms_users_user_login_description']                  = 'User can login using email or alternative login. Alternative login is not compulsory, when specified, it must be unique within the system.';
$lang['cms_users_warning_non_standard_account']            = 'The selected account is non-standard thus cannot be edited using the builtin module';
$lang['users_email_reset_success']                         = 'User password has been successfully reset! The new password has been sent to the user\'s email address.';