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<?php if(!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

$lang['crud_file_to_import']                                    = 'File to import';
$lang['crud_file_to_import_description']                        = 'Pick a CSV file';
$lang['crud_file_to_import_description_fully_enabled']          = 'Pick a CSV, XLS or XLSX file';
$lang['crud_import_empty_spreadsheet']                          = 'Spreadsheet does not contain data or file not recognized (%s)';
$lang['crud_import_excel_not_fully_enabled']                    = 'Import of Excel files is not enabled. You can only upload CSV files.';
$lang['crud_import_no_rows_affected']                           = 'No rows affected. Found % rows to insert and % rows to update.';
$lang['crud_import_nonempry_spreadsheet_but_nothing_to_update'] = 'The spreadsheet does not conain any rows to be inserted or updated.';
$lang['crud_imported_file_does_not_exist']                      = 'The system was not able to import the file specified or the file does not exist.';
$lang['crud_label_add_item']                                    = 'Add a new element';
$lang['crud_label_back_list_of_revisions']                      = 'Back to list of revisions';
$lang['crud_label_back_to_items']                               = 'Back to list';
$lang['crud_label_delete']                                      = 'Delete';
$lang['crud_label_export']                                      = 'Export';
$lang['crud_label_from']                                        = 'from';
$lang['crud_label_import']                                      = 'Import';
$lang['crud_label_import_from_file']                            = 'Import from file';
$lang['crud_label_import_tip']                                  = 'Upload a CSV file containing the following collumns: %s. If a row specifies %s collumn then the system will try to update an existing item. The order of the fields does not matter, they must be in the first row of the table. For best result use UTF-8 encoded CSV file and use semicolon as the separator.';
$lang['crud_label_import_tip_fully_enabled']                    = 'Upload a XLS, XLSX or CSV file containing the following collumns: %s. If a row specifies %s collumn then the system will try to update an existing item. The order of the fields does not matter, they must be in the first row of the table. For best result use UTF-8 encoded CSV file and use semicolon as the separator.';
$lang['crud_label_modify']                                      = 'Modify';
$lang['crud_label_preview']                                     = 'Preview';
$lang['crud_label_revision']                                    = 'Revision';
$lang['crud_label_revision_current']                            = 'Current';
$lang['crud_label_revision_field']                              = 'Field';
$lang['crud_label_revision_older']                              = 'Revision %s (older)';
$lang['crud_label_revision_restore']                            = 'Restore';
$lang['crud_label_revision_show']                               = 'Show revision';
$lang['crud_label_revisions']                                   = 'Content revisions';
$lang['crud_label_to']                                          = 'to';
$lang['crud_no_file_uploaded_or_wrong_filetype']                = 'No file was uploaded or wrong file type. Allowed filetype is CSV.';
$lang['crud_no_file_uploaded_or_wrong_filetype_fully_enabled']  = 'No file was uploaded or wrong file type. Allowed filetypes are XLS (Excel 97), XLSX (Excel 2003) and CSV.';
$lang['crud_revision_field_successfully_restored']              = 'Revision field successfully restored!';
$lang['crud_revisions_hour']                                    = 'Hour (newest first)';
$lang['crud_revisions_identical']                               = 'The revisions are identical';
$lang['crud_revisions_metadata']                                = 'Extra information';
$lang['crud_revisions_no_entries']                              = 'There are no revisions to be displayed';
$lang['crud_revisions_show']                                    = 'Revisions';
$lang['crud_unable_to_delete']                                  = 'Unable to delete an item. Please check database integrity constraints.';