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<p align="center">A simple debug module</p>

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## Installation
npm install @pipeletteio/debug

## Example

import { debug, Debug } from '@pipeletteio/debug';

// Create a dedicated debugger.
const dedicatedDebug = new Debug('myDedicatedDebugName', { useNewMeter: true });


setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);

// -- Outputs:
// ❱ title +4ms
// ❓ question +2ms
// [myDedicatedDebugName] done +2ms
// [myDedicatedDebugName] note +1ms
// ✔ valid +503ms
// ✗ invalid +1ms
// [myDedicatedDebugName] fail +504ms

## Docs:
Read documentation [here](https://pipeletteio.github.io/debug).

## API

The methods of Console.prototype are exposed to Debug instance.

#### Debug.prototype.fail

Write a formatted message to stderr.

|          argument         |    type    |    details    |
| arg                       | `string`   | The message.  |

Return `void`.

#### Debug.prototype.done

Write a formatted message to stdout.

|          argument         |    type    |    details    |
| arg                       | `string`   | The message.  |

Return `void`.

#### Debug.prototype.note

Write a formatted message to stdout (done alias).

|          argument         |    type    |    details    |
| arg                       | `string`   | The message.  |

Return `void`.

#### Debug.prototype.invalid

Write a formatted message prefixed with an invalid check symbol to stderr.

|          argument         |    type    |    details    |
| arg                       | `string`   | The message.  |

Return `void`.

#### Debug.prototype.valid

Write a formatted message prefixed with a valid check symbol to stdout.

|          argument         |    type    |    details    |
| arg                       | `string`   | The message.  |

Return `void`.

#### Debug.prototype.question

Write a formatted message prefixed with an interogation symbol to stdout.

|          argument         |    type    |    details    |
| arg                       | `string`   | The message.  |

Return `void`.

#### Debug.prototype.title

Write a formatted message prefixed with a chevron symbol to stdout.

|          argument         |    type    |    details    |
| arg                       | `string`   | The message.  |

Return `void`.

#### Debug.constructor

A Debug constructor that can be used to create dedicated debug.

|          argument         |                 type                |                details                |
| name                      | `string` or `null` or `undefined`   | The dedicated debug name (optional).  |
| options                   | `object`                            | The debug options (default = {}).     |
| options.useNewMeter       | `boolean` or `null` or `undefined`  | The debug options (default = {}).     |

Return `Debug` instance.

new Debug('name', { useNewMeter: true });

## Env variables:

All methods can be disabled using environment variables.

Importance order:
  1. PIPELETTEIO_DEBUG = (true | false)
  2. (DEBUG | NDEBUG | NODE_DEBUG) = (true | false)
  3. (CI | CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION) != undefined
  4. NODE_ENV = (production | test)