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<h1 align="center">

<p align="center">A simple nop (no-op) function helper. Nop is a function that does nothing.</p>

<p align="center">
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## Installation
npm install @pipeletteio/nop

## Example

import { nop, isNop } from '@pipeletteio/nop';
// const { nop, isNop } = require('@pipeletteio/nop');

isNop(nop); // => true

isNop(function () {}); // => false

## Docs
Read [documentation](https://pipeletteio.github.io/nop) for more informations.

## API

#### nop

The nop function which will be used to replace the non cancellable callables.

|   argument   |    type   | details |
|    ...arg    |   any[]   | ...     |

Return void.

#### isNop

Check if the argument is the nop function.

|   argument   |    type   |         details          |
|      arg     |    any    | The checked argument.    |

Return a boolean.