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Test Coverage
name = "poetry-plugin-dotenv"
version = "2.4.0"
description = "poetry-plugin-dotenv - is the plugin that automatically loads environment variables from a dotenv file into the environment before poetry commands are run."
license = "MIT"
authors = ["Volodymyr Pivoshenko <volodymyr.pivoshenko@gmail.com>"]
maintainers = ["Volodymyr Pivoshenko <volodymyr.pivoshenko@gmail.com>"]
keywords = [
homepage = "https://github.com/pivoshenko/poetry-plugin-dotenv"
documentation = "https://github.com/pivoshenko/poetry-plugin-dotenv"
repository = "https://github.com/pivoshenko/poetry-plugin-dotenv"
readme = "README.md"
classifiers = [
  "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
  "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
  "Operating System :: OS Independent",
  "Environment :: Other Environment",
  "Programming Language :: Python",
  "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
  "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
  "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
  "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
  "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
  "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12",
  "Intended Audience :: Developers",
  "Intended Audience :: Information Technology",
  "Topic :: Software Development",
  "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries",
  "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
  "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering",
  "Natural Language :: English"
packages = [{ include = "poetry_plugin_dotenv", from = "src" }]

"Issues" = "https://github.com/pivoshenko/poetry-plugin-dotenv/issues"
"Releases" = "https://github.com/pivoshenko/poetry-plugin-dotenv/releases"
"Say Thanks!" = "https://www.buymeacoffee.com/pivoshenko"

python = ">=3.8.1,<4.0"
poetry = ">=1.5.0"

pre-commit = ">=3.5.0"
poethepoet = ">=0.29.0"
ipdb = ">=0.13.13"
ipython = "8.12.3"

isort = ">=5.13.2"
ruff = ">=0.6.8"
pyupgrade = ">=3.16.0"

mypy = ">=1.11.2"
ruff = ">=0.6.8"
deptry = ">=0.20.0"
codespell = ">=2.3.0"
commitizen = ">=3.29.1"

python-lsp-server = { extras = ["all"], version = ">=1.12.0" }
ruff-lsp = ">=0.0.57"
pylsp-mypy = ">=0.6.9"
pylsp-rope = ">=0.1.16"
python-lsp-isort = ">=0.1"

# pytest version should be fixed due to the next issues
# https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/11890
# https://github.com/TvoroG/pytest-lazy-fixture/issues/65
pytest = "7.4.4"
xdoctest = ">=1.2.0"
pytest-lazy-fixture = ">=0.6.3"
pytest-codeblocks = ">=0.17.0"
pytest-mock = ">=3.14.0"
pytest-cov = ">=5.0.0"
pytest-sugar = ">=1.0.0"
coverage = { version = ">=7.6.1", extras = ["toml"] }
sh = ">=2.0.7"

python-semantic-release = ">=9.9.0"

poetry-plugin-dotenv = "poetry_plugin_dotenv.plugin:DotenvPlugin"

logging_use_named_masks = true
changelog_file = "CHANGELOG.md"
version_toml = ["pyproject.toml:tool.poetry.version"]
version_variables = ["src/poetry_plugin_dotenv/__init__.py:__version__"]
commit_author = "github-actions <github-actions@github.com>"
exclude_commit_patterns = ["Merge pull request"]

major_tags = ["feat"]
minor_tags = ["fix", "perf", "refactor"]
patch_tags = ["docs", "style"]

exclude_commit_patterns = [
  '''Merged? .*''',
  '''Initial Commit.*''',

allowed_prefixes = ["build", "tests", "Merge", "Initial", "0", "1", "2"]

profile = "black"
line_length = 100
lines_after_imports = 2
lines_between_types = 1
color_output = true
force_single_line = true
length_sort_straight = true
force_alphabetical_sort_within_sections = true

python_version = "3.12"
strict = true
warn_unused_configs = true
show_error_codes = true
namespace_packages = true

target-version = "py312"
line-length = 100

select = ["ALL"]
ignore = ["ANN101", "D202", "FIX002", "I001", "TD003"]

"tests/*.*" = ["INP001", "PTH", "S101"]
"src/poetry_plugin_dotenv/__init__.py" = ["E501"]
"src/poetry_plugin_dotenv/plugin.py" = ["ANN002", "ANN003", "ARG002", "G004", "PTH"]
"src/poetry_plugin_dotenv/config.py" = ["PTH"]
"src/poetry_plugin_dotenv/dotenv/core.py" = ["PTH"]
"src/poetry_plugin_dotenv/dotenv/variables.py" = ["ANN002", "ANN003", "ARG002"]

lines-after-imports = 2
lines-between-types = 1
order-by-type = false
force-single-line = true
force-sort-within-sections = true
length-sort-straight = true
required-imports = ["from __future__ import annotations"]

skip = ["poetry.lock"]
ignore-words-list = ["redunant", "resovle", "socio-economic"]

DEP002 = ["poetry"]
DEP003 = ["cleo", "poetry_plugin_dotenv", "tomlkit"]

testpaths = ["tests"]
addopts = [

omit = ["*/__init__.py"]

poetry_command = ""

help = "Run formatters"
args = { dir = { options = ["--directory", "-d"], default = ".", help = "Target directory" } }
sequence = [
  { shell = "find src -type f -name '*.py' | xargs pyupgrade --py312-plus", help = "Run annotations formatter" },
  { shell = "find tests -type f -name '*.py' | xargs pyupgrade --py312-plus", help = "Run annotations formatter" },
  { shell = "isort ${dir}", help = "Run imports formatter" },
  { shell = "ruff format ${dir}", help = "Run code formatter" }

help = "Run linters"
args = { dir = { options = ["--directory", "-d"], default = ".", help = "Target directory" } }
sequence = [
  { shell = "deptry ${dir}", help = "Run dependencies linter" },
  { shell = "mypy ${dir}", help = "Run types linter" },
  { shell = "ruff check ${dir}", help = "Run code linter" },
  { shell = "codespell ${dir}", help = "Run spell linter" },
  { shell = "cz check --rev-range .", help = "Run commits linter" }

requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"