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plugin.tx_simplepoll {
    view {
        # cat=plugin.tx_simplepoll/file; type=string; label=Path to template root (FE)
        templateRootPath = EXT:simplepoll/Resources/Private/Templates/
        # cat=plugin.tx_simplepoll/file; type=string; label=Path to template partials (FE)
        partialRootPath = EXT:simplepoll/Resources/Private/Partials/
        # cat=plugin.tx_simplepoll/file; type=string; label=Path to template layouts (FE)
        layoutRootPath = EXT:simplepoll/Resources/Private/Layouts/
    persistence {
        # cat=plugin.tx_simplepoll//a; type=string; label=Default storage PID
        storagePid =
    settings {
        # cat=plugin.tx_simplepoll/settings; type=boolean; label=Count Languages seperately
        countLanguagesSeperately = 1
        # cat=plugin.tx_simplepoll/settings; type=integer; label=Time in seconds before IP Locks are removed and a user can vote again if allowed
        garbageCollectorInterval = 10
        # cat=plugin.tx_simplepoll/settings; type=boolean; label=Block multiple votes from one IP address
        ipBlock = 0
        # cat=plugin.tx_simplepoll/settings; type=boolean; label=Block multiple votes from one computer via cookies
        cookieBlock = 1
        # cat=plugin.tx_simplepoll/settings; type=boolean; label=Have the link button to the results without voting (by default set in poll itself)
        showResultLink = 1
        # cat=plugin.tx_simplepoll/settings; type=boolean; label=Allow another vote after the garbageCollectorInterval has ended (by default set in poll itself)
        allowMultipleVote = 1
        # cat=plugin.tx_simplepoll/settings; type=boolean; label=Show the results after voting (by default set in poll itself)
        showResultAfterVote = 1
        # cat=plugin.tx_simplepoll/settings; type=boolean; label=Forward to displaying the result if currently not allowed to vote. Can be Overridden by showResultAfterVote.
        showResultIfNotAllowedToVote = 0
        # cat=plugin.tx_simplepoll/settings; type=boolean; label=Use Typoscript settings instead of values in the poll itself (for bootstrapped use)
        useTyposcriptSettings = 0
        # cat=plugin.tx_simplepoll/settings; type=boolean; label=Use the jQuery from this extension.
        useInternalJquery = 1