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<% page_title entry.title %>

<div id="entries">
  <div class="entry last">
    <div class="title">
        <%= entry.title %>
    <div class="date">
      <%= entry.published_at.try(:to_s, :long) %>
    <div class="content">
      <%= entry.body.html_safe %>

    <a name="comments"></a>

    <div id="comments">
      <div class="comments">
        <% if entry.comments.any? %>
          <% entry.comments.each do |comment| %>
            <div class="comment">
              <% if admin_signed_in? %>
                <div class="delete">
                  <%= link_to image_tag('jabe/delete.png'),
                    entry_comment_path(entry, comment),
                    :confirm => 'Are you sure?',
                    :method => :delete,
                    :class => 'comment_delete'
              <% end %>

              <% if comment.respond_to?(:gravatar_url) %>
                <div class="gravatar">
                  <%= image_tag comment.gravatar_url(:default => default_gravatar_url) %>
              <% end %>

              <div class="author">
                <%= comment.author %>
                <span class="when">
                  <%= comment.created_at.to_s(:long) %>
              <div class="body">
                <%= comment.content.html_safe %>
          <% end %>
        <% else %>
          <div class="comment">
            <div class="author">
              None yet...
        <% end %>

    <a name="add-comment"></a>

    <div id="new_comment">
      <h4>Add a comment</h4>
      <%= form_for [entry, comment] do |form| %>
        <%= form.label :author, 'Name' %>
        <%= form.text_field :author %>

        <%= form.label :nickname %>
        <%= form.text_field :nickname %>

        <%= form.label :author_email, 'Email (not shown to the public)' %>
        <%= form.text_field :author_email %>

        <%= form.label :author_url, 'Website' %>
        <%= form.text_field :author_url %>

        <%= form.label :content, "Comment - Textile enabled (#{link_to 'Reference', 'http://redcloth.org/try-redcloth/', :target => '_blank'})".html_safe %>
        <%= form.text_area :content %>


        <%= form.submit 'Add comment', :class => 'btn btn-primary' %>
      <% end %>