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package pixi.core.renderers;

import pixi.core.math.shapes.Rectangle;
import haxe.extern.EitherType;
import js.html.CanvasElement;
import pixi.core.Pixi.RendererType;
import pixi.core.Pixi.ScaleModes;
import pixi.core.display.DisplayObject;
import pixi.core.display.Transform;
import pixi.core.textures.RenderTexture;
import pixi.core.textures.Texture;
import pixi.interaction.EventEmitter;

extern class SystemRenderer extends EventEmitter {

     * @class
     * @memberof PIXI
     * @param system {String} The name of the system this renderer is for.
     * @param [width=800] {Float} the width of the canvas view
     * @param [height=600] {Float} the height of the canvas view
     * @param [options] {RenderingOptions} The optional renderer parameters
    @:overload(function(system:String, ?width:Float, ?height:Float, ?options:RenderOptions):Void {})
    function new(system:String, ?options:RenderOptions, ?width:Float, ?height:Float);

     * The type of the renderer.
     * @member {CONST.RENDERER_TYPE}
    var type:RendererType;

     * The width of the canvas view
     * @member {Float}
     * @default 800
    var width:Float;

     * The height of the canvas view
     * @member {Float}
     * @default 600
    var height:Float;

     * The canvas element that everything is drawn to
     * @member {CanvasElement}
    var view:CanvasElement;

     * The resolution of the renderer
     * @member {Float}
     * @default 1
    var resolution:Float;

     * Whether the render view is transparent
     * @member {Bool}
    var transparent:Bool;

     * Whether the render view should be resized automatically
     * @member {Bool}
    var autoResize:Bool;

     * Tracks the blend modes useful for this renderer.
     * @member {object<string, mixed>}
    var blendModes:Dynamic;

     * The value of the preserveDrawingBuffer flag affects whether or not the contents of the stencil buffer is retained after rendering.
     * @member {Bool}
    var preserveDrawingBuffer:Bool;

     * This sets if the CanvasRenderer will clear the canvas or not before the new render pass.
     * If the scene is NOT transparent Pixi will use a canvas sized fillRect operation every frame to set the canvas background color.
     * If the scene is transparent Pixi will use clearRect to clear the canvas every frame.
     * Disable this by setting this to false. For example if your game has a canvas filling background image you often don't need this set.
     * @member {Bool}
     * @default
    var clearBeforeRender:Bool;

     * The background color to fill if not transparent
     * @member {String|Int}
     * @default 0x000000
    var backgroundColor:EitherType<String, Int>;

     * If true Pixi will Math.floor() x/y values when rendering, stopping pixel interpolation.
     * Handy for crisp pixel art and speed on legacy devices.
     * @member {Bool}
    var roundPixels:Bool;

     * Plugins object
    var plugins:RendererPlugins;

     * Resizes the canvas view to the specified width and height
     * @param width {Float} the new width of the canvas view
     * @param height {Float} the new height of the canvas view
    function resize(width:Float, height:Float):Void;

     * Useful function that returns a texture of the display object that can then be used to create sprites
     * This can be quite useful if your displayObject is complicated and needs to be reused multiple times.
     * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} displayObject - The displayObject the object will be generated from
     * @param {ScaleModes} scaleMode - Should be one of the scaleMode consts
     * @param {Float} resolution - The resolution / device pixel ratio of the texture being generated
     * @param {PIXI.Rectangle} [region] - The region of the displayObject, that shall be rendered, if no region is specified, defaults to the local bounds of the displayObject.
     * @return {PIXI.Texture} a texture of the graphics object
    function generateTexture(displayObject:DisplayObject, scaleMode:ScaleModes, resolution:Float, ?region:Rectangle):Texture;

     * Removes everything from the renderer and optionally removes the Canvas DOM element.
     * @param [removeView=false] {Bool} Removes the Canvas element from the DOM.
    function destroy(?removeView:Bool = false):Void;

     * Renders the object to this canvas view
     * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} displayObject - The object to be rendered
     * @param {PIXI.RenderTexture} [renderTexture] - A render texture to be rendered to.
     *  If unset, it will render to the root context.
     * @param {boolean} [clear=false] - Whether to clear the canvas before drawing
     * @param {PIXI.Transform} [transform] - A transformation to be applied
     * @param {boolean} [skipUpdateTransform=false] - Whether to skip the update transform
    function render(displayObject:DisplayObject, ?renderTexture:RenderTexture, ?clear:Bool, ?transform:Transform, ?skipUpdateTransform:Bool):Void;