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package pixi.core.renderers.webgl.utils;

import pixi.core.Pixi.ScaleModes;
import pixi.core.graphics.Graphics;
import pixi.core.math.Matrix;
import pixi.core.math.shapes.Rectangle;

extern class RenderTarget {

     * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl - The current WebGL drawing context
     * @param {Float} [width=0] - the horizontal range of the filter
     * @param {Float} [height=0] - the vertical range of the filter
     * @param {ScaleModes} [scaleMode=PIXI.settings.SCALE_MODE] - See {@link PIXI.SCALE_MODES} for possible values
     * @param {Float} [resolution=1] - The current resolution / device pixel ratio
     * @param {Bool} [root=false] - Whether this object is the root element or not
    function new(gl:Dynamic, ?width:Float, ?height:Float, ?scaleMode:ScaleModes, ?resolution:Float, ?root:Bool);

     * The current WebGL drawing context.
     * @member {WebGLRenderingContext}
    var gl:Dynamic;

     * A frame buffer
     * @member {PIXI.glCore.GLFramebuffer}
    var frameBuffer:Dynamic;

     * The texture
     * @member {PIXI.glCore.GLTexture}
    var texture:Dynamic;

     * The background colour of this render target, as an array of [r,g,b,a] values
     * @member {Array<Int>}
    var clearColor:Array<Int>;

     * The size of the object as a rectangle
     * @member {PIXI.Rectangle}
    var size:Rectangle;

     * The current resolution / device pixel ratio
     * @member {Float}
     * @default 1
    var resolution:Float;

     * The projection matrix
     * @member {PIXI.Matrix}
    var projectionMatrix:Matrix;

     * The object's transform
     * @member {PIXI.Matrix}
    var transform:Matrix;

     * The frame.
     * @member {PIXI.Rectangle}
    var frame:Rectangle;
     * Source frame
     * @member {PIXI.Rectangle}
    var sourceFrame:Rectangle;

     * The stencil buffer stores masking data for the render target
     * @member {glCore.GLBuffer}
    var stencilBuffer:Dynamic;

     * The data structure for the stencil masks
     * @member {Array<Graphics>}
    var stencilMaskStack:Array<Graphics>;

     * Stores filter data for the render target
     * @member {Array<Dynamic>}
    var filterData:Array<Dynamic>;

     * The scale mode.
     * @member {ScaleModes}
     * @default PIXI.settings.SCALE_MODE
     * @see PIXI.SCALE_MODES
    var scaleMode:ScaleModes;

     * Whether this object is the root element or not
     * @member {Bool}
    var root:Bool;

     * Clears the filter texture.
     * @param {Array<Int>} [clearColor=this.clearColor] - Array of [r,g,b,a] to clear the framebuffer
    function clear(?clearColor:Array<Int>):Void;

     * Binds the stencil buffer.
    function attachStencilBuffer():Void;

     * Sets the frame of the render target.
     * @param {Rectangle} destinationFrame - The destination frame.
     * @param {Rectangle} sourceFrame - The source frame.
    function setFrame(destinationFrame:Rectangle, sourceFrame:Rectangle):Void;

     * Binds the buffers and initialises the viewport.
    function activate():Void;

     * Updates the projection matrix based on a projection frame (which is a rectangle)
     * @param {Rectangle} destinationFrame - The destination frame.
     * @param {Rectangle} sourceFrame - The source frame.
    function calculateProjection(destinationFrame:Rectangle, sourceFrame:Rectangle):Void;

     * Resizes the texture to the specified width and height
     * @param {Float} width - the new width of the texture
     * @param {Float} height - the new height of the texture
    function resize(width:Float, height:Float):Void;

     * Destroys the render target.
    function destroy():Void;