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package pixi.loaders;

import haxe.DynamicAccess;
import pixi.core.textures.Spritesheet;
import pixi.core.textures.Texture;
import pixi.loaders.LoaderOptions.LoaderMetadata;

 * The types of loading a resource can use.
 * @static
 * @constant
 * @property {object} LOAD_TYPE
 * @property {number} LOAD_TYPE.XHR - Uses XMLHttpRequest to load the resource.
 * @property {number} LOAD_TYPE.IMAGE - Uses an `Image` object to load the resource.
 * @property {number} LOAD_TYPE.AUDIO - Uses an `Audio` object to load the resource.
 * @property {number} LOAD_TYPE.VIDEO - Uses a `Video` object to load the resource.
#if (haxe_ver >= 3.3)
@:enum extern abstract LoadType(Int) {
    var XHR; 
    var IMAGE;
    var AUDIO; 
    var VIDEO;
extern enum LoadType {

#if (haxe_ver >= 3.3)
@:enum extern abstract ResourceType(Int) {
    var JSON; 
    var XML; 
    var IMAGE;
    var AUDIO; 
    var VIDEO;
extern enum ResourceType {

extern class Resource {

     * Manages the state and loading of a single resource represented by
     * a single URL.
     * @class
     * @param name {string} The name of the resource to load.
     * @param url {string|string[]} The url for this resource, for audio/video loads you can pass an array of sources.
     * @param [options] {object} The options for the load.
     * @param [options.crossOrigin] {boolean} Is this request cross-origin? Default is to determine automatically.
     * @param [options.loadType=Resource.LOAD_TYPE.XHR] {Resource.LOAD_TYPE} How should this resource be loaded?
     * @param [options.xhrType=Resource.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.DEFAULT] {Resource.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE} How should the data being
     *      loaded be interpreted when using XHR?
    function new(name:String, url:String, ?options:LoaderOptions);

    var texture:Texture;

    var textures:Dynamic<Texture>;

    var spritesheet:Spritesheet;

    var bitmapFont:Dynamic;

    var metadata:LoaderMetadata;

    var type:ResourceType;
     * Since plugins like Spine can add additional fields to Resource
     * we need somewhat 'typed' method to retrieve those fields.     
     * var data:SpineData = resource.get("spineData");
    inline function get<T>(name:String):T {
        return untyped this[name];

     * Extension of this resource
     * @member {string}

    var extension:String;
     * The name of this resource.
     * @member {string}
     * @readonly
    var name:String;

     * The url used to load this resource.
     * @member {string}
     * @readonly
    var url:String;

     * The data that was loaded by the resource.
     * @member {any}
    var data:Dynamic;

     * The XHR object that was used to load this resource. This is only set
     * when `loadType` is `Resource.LOAD_TYPE.XHR`.
     * @member {XMLHttpRequest}
    var xhr:Dynamic;

     * The type used to load the resource via XHR. If unset, determined automatically.
     * @member {String}
    var xhrType:String;

     * Is this request cross-origin? If unset, determined automatically.
     * @member {string}
    var crossOrigin:String;

     * The method of loading to use for this resource.
     * @member {Resource.LOAD_TYPE}
    var loadType:LoadType;

     * The error that occurred while loading (if any).
     * @member {Error}
     * @readonly
    var error:Dynamic;

     * Describes if this resource was loaded as json. Only valid after the resource
     * has completely loaded.
     * @member {Bool}
    var isJson:Bool;

     * Describes if this resource was loaded as xml. Only valid after the resource
     * has completely loaded.
     * @member {Bool}
    var isXml:Bool;

     * Describes if this resource was loaded as an image tag. Only valid after the resource
     * has completely loaded.
     * @member {Bool}
    var isImage:Bool;

     * Describes if this resource was loaded as an audio tag. Only valid after the resource
     * has completely loaded.
     * @member {Bool}
    var isAudio:Bool;

     * Describes if this resource was loaded as a video tag. Only valid after the resource
     * has completely loaded.
     * @member {Bool}
    var isVideo:Bool;

 * The XHR ready states, used internally.
 * @static
 * @constant
 * @property {object} XHR_READY_STATE
 * @property {number} XHR_READY_STATE.UNSENT - open()has not been called yet.
 * @property {number} XHR_READY_STATE.OPENED - send()has not been called yet.
 * @property {number} XHR_READY_STATE.HEADERS_RECEIVED - send() has been called, and headers and status are available.
 * @property {number} XHR_READY_STATE.LOADING - Downloading; responseText holds partial data.
 * @property {number} XHR_READY_STATE.DONE - The operation is complete.
typedef XHR_READY_STATE = {
    var UNSENT:Int;
    var OPENED:Int;
    var LOADING:Int;
    var DONE:Int;

 * The XHR ready states, used internally.
 * @static
 * @constant
 * @property {object} XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE
 * @property {string} XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.DEFAULT - defaults to text
 * @property {string} XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.BUFFER - ArrayBuffer
 * @property {string} XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.BLOB - Blob
 * @property {string} XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.DOCUMENT - Document
 * @property {string} XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.JSON - Object
 * @property {string} XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.TEXT - String
    var DEFAULT:String;
    var BUFFER:String;
    var BLOB:String;
    var DOCUMENT:String;
    var JSON:String;
    var TEXT:String;