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package pixi.plugins.spine;

import pixi.plugins.spine.core.AnimationState;
import pixi.plugins.spine.core.Skeleton;
import pixi.plugins.spine.core.SkeletonData;
import pixi.plugins.spine.core.AnimationStateData;
import pixi.core.display.Container;

extern class Spine extends Container {

     * A class that enables the you to import and run your spine animations in pixi.
     * The Spine animation data needs to be loaded using either the Loader or a SpineLoader before it can be used by this class
     * See example 12 (http://www.goodboydigital.com/pixijs/examples/12/) to see a working example and check out the source
     * ```js
     * var spineAnimation = new PIXI.Spine(spineData);
     * ```
     * @class
     * @extends Container
     * @memberof PIXI.spine
     * @param spineData {object} The spine data loaded from a spine atlas.
    function new(spineData:Dynamic);

     * Should the Spine object update its transforms
     * @member {boolean}
    var autoUpdate:Bool;

     * The spineData object
     * @member {object}
    var spineData:SkeletonData;

     * A spine Skeleton object
     * @member {object}
    var skeleton:Skeleton;

     * A spine AnimationStateData object created from the spine data passed in the constructor
     * @member {object}
    var stateData:AnimationStateData;

     * A spine AnimationState object created from the spine AnimationStateData object
     * @member {object}
    var state:AnimationState;

     * An array of containers
     * @member {Container[]}
    var slotContainers:Array<Container>;

     * Update the spine skeleton and its animations by delta time (dt)
     * @param dt {number} Delta time. Time by which the animation should be updated
    function update(dt:Float):Void;