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# EEPROM settings text file
# Edit this file for your particular board and run through eepmake tool,
# then use eepflash tool to write to attached HAT ID EEPROM 
# Tools available:
#  eepmake   Parses EEPROM text file and creates binary .eep file
#  eepdump   Dumps a binary .eep file as human readable text (for debug)
#  eepflash  Write or read .eep binary image to/from HAT EEPROM

# Vendor info

# 128 bit UUID. If left at zero eepmake tool will auto-generate
# RFC 4122 compliant UUID
product_uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

# 16 bit product id
product_id 0x0000

# 16 bit product version
product_ver 0x0000

# ASCII vendor string  (max 255 characters)
vendor "Teodora Slavova"

# ASCII product string (max 255 characters)
product "Weather station Viper"

# Custom binary data
deadbeef c00 1c0d e

# GPIO bank settings, set to nonzero to change from the default.
# NOTE these setting can only be set per BANK, uncommenting any of
# these will force the bank to use the custom setting.

# drive strength, 0=default, 1-8=2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16mA, 9-15=reserved
gpio_drive 0

# 0=default, 1=slew rate limiting, 2=no slew limiting, 3=reserved
gpio_slew 0

# 0=default, 1=hysteresis disabled, 2=hysteresis enabled, 3=reserved
gpio_hysteresis 0

# If board back-powers Pi via 5V GPIO header pins:
# 0 = board does not back-power
# 1 = board back-powers and can supply the Pi with a minimum of 1.3A
# 2 = board back-powers and can supply the Pi with a minimum of 2A
# 3 = reserved
# If back_power=2 then USB high current mode will be automatically 
# enabled on the Pi
back_power 0

# GPIO pins, uncomment for GPIOs used on board
# NB GPIO0 and GPIO1 are reserved for ID EEPROM so cannot be set

#         ----  --------  ----
#setgpio  2     INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  3     INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  4     INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  5     INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  6     INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  7     INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  8     INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  9     INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  10    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  11    INPUT     DEFAULT
setgpio  12    OUTPUT     DEFAULT
setgpio  13    OUTPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  14    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  15    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  16    INPUT     DEFAULT
setgpio  17    OUTPUT     DEFAULT
setgpio  18    INPUT     DEFAULT
setgpio  19    OUTPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  20    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  21    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  22    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  23    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  24    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  25    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  26    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  27    INPUT     DEFAULT

# Settings for bank 1 (only valid for CM1/3/3+/4S). Setting one or more of
# these GPIOs requires setting of drive, slew and hysteresis for bank 1.

# bank1_gpio_drive 0
# bank1_gpio_slew 0
# bank1_gpio_hysteresis 0

#setgpio  28    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  29    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  30    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  31    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  32    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  33    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  34    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  35    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  36    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  37    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  38    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  39    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  40    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  41    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  42    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  43    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  44    INPUT     DEFAULT
#setgpio  45    INPUT     DEFAULT