<p align="center"><a href=""><img src="art/model-resolver.png" width="100%"></a></p> <p align="center"><a href=""><img src="" alt="PHP Version Support"></a><a href=""><img src=",%2011.x-%2343d399?color=%23f1ede9&logo=laravel&logoColor=%23ffffff" alt="PHP Version Support"></a><a href=""><img src="" alt="GitHub Workflow Status"></a><a href=""><img src="" /></a><a href=""><img src="" /></a></p> # Laravel Model Resolver Resolve all defined Models from the application or dependencies. ## Table of Contents - [Installation](#installation)- [Quick Start](#quick-start)- [Configuration](#configuration)- [Usage](#usage) - [all](#all) - [fromTable](#fromtable) - [implements](#implements) - [implementsAll](#implementsall) - [implementsAny](#implementsany) - [uses](#uses) - [usesAll](#usesall) - [usesAny](#usesany)- [Contributing](#contributing)- [Credits](#credits)- [License](#license)- [Security Vulnerabilities](#security-vulnerabilities)- [About Plank](#check-us-out) ## Installation You can install the package via composer: ```bashcomposer require plank/laravel-model-resolver``` You can publish the config file with: ```bashphp artisan laravel-model-resolver:install``` ## Quick Start 1. Install the package2. Run `composer dump-autoload --optimize` ```php<?php namespace App\Listeners; use App\Contracts\Content;use Plank\LaravelModelResolver\Facades\Models; class PruneContent{ public function handle() { Models::implements(Content::class) ->each(fn (Content $content) => $content->prune()); }}``` ## Configuration The configuration file allows you to customize: - The repository implementation which resolves the defined Models- Namespaces to ignore from being scanned for Models ```phpuse Plank\LaravelModelResolver\Repository\ModelRepository; return [ 'repository' => ModelRepository::class, 'ignore' => [ 'DeepCopy\\', 'Doctrine\\', 'Illuminate\\', 'Mockery\\', 'PHPStan\\', 'PHPUnit\\', 'Prophecy\\', 'Psr\\', 'Psy\\', 'Sebastian\\', 'Symfony\\', ],];``` ## Usage It is crucial to note that this package relies on the existence of the file `vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php` which is created by running `composer dump-autoload --optimize`. If this file does not exist, the package will fail to resolve Models and throw an error. ### all This method returns the class strings of all Models defined in the application and vendor namespaces. ```php public function modelInstances() { Models::all() ->map(function (string $class) => new $class); }``` ### fromTable This method returns a class string of the Model which defines that table name, if one exists. ```php public function handle(TableCreated $event) { $model = Models::fromTable($event->table); // ... }``` ### implements This method returns the class strings of Models which implement the given interface. ```php public function handle(Version $from, Version $to) { Models::implements(Versioned::class) ->each(fn (string $class) => $class::copyData($from, $to)); }``` ### implementsAll This method returns the class strings of the Models which implement all the given interfaces. ```php public function handle() { Models::implementsAll([Loggable::class, Titleable::class]) ->each(function (string $class) { $models = $class::query() ->whereCondition() ->cursor() ->each(fn (Loggable&Titleable $model) => $model->log($model->title().' has met some condition')); }); }``` ### implementsAny This method returns the class strings of the Models which match any of the given interfaces. This is method should not exist as common interfaces should be extracted, but this method allows shortcuts where appropriate. ```php public function handle() { Models::implementsAny([Expires::class, QueuesForDeletion::class]) ->each(function (string $class) { $models = $class::query() ->when( is_a($class, QueuesForDeletion::class, true), fn ($query) => $query->where('should_delete', true) ) ->when( is_a($class, Expires::class, true), fn ($query) => $query->where('expires_at', '>=', now()) ) ->cursor() ->each(fn (Expires|QueuesForDeletion $model) => $model->delete()); }); }``` ### uses This method returns the class strings of all Models that use the given trait. ```php public function purge() { Models::uses(SoftDeletes::class) ->each(function (string $class) { $models = $class::query() ->whereNotNull('deleted_at') ->cursor() ->each(fn (Model $model) => $model->forceDelete()); }); }``` ### usesAll This method returns the class strings of Models that use all the given traits. ```php public function handle() { Models::usesAll([GetsLogged::class, HasTitle::class]) ->each(function (string $class) { $models = $class::query() ->whereCondition() ->cursor() ->each(fn (Model $model) => $model->log($model->title().' has met some condition')); }); }``` ### usesAny This method returns the class strings of Models that use all the given traits. ```php public function handle() { Models::implementsAny([GetsExpired::class, IsQueuedForDeletion::class]) ->each(function (string $class) { $uses = class_uses_recursive($class); $models = $class::query() ->when( in_array(GetsExpired::class, $uses), fn ($query) => $query->where('should_delete', true) ) ->when( in_array(IsQueuedForDeletion::class, $uses), fn ($query) => $query->where('expires_at', '>=', now()) ) ->cursor() ->each(fn (Model $model) => $model->delete()); }); }``` ## Contributing Please see [CONTRIBUTING]( for details. ## Credits - [Kurt Friars]( [All Contributors](../../contributors) ## License The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information. ## Security Vulnerabilities If you discover a security vulnerability within siren, please send an e-mail to []( All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed. ## Check Us Out! <a href=""> <img src=""></a> Plank focuses on impactful solutions that deliver engaging experiences to our clients and their users. We're committed to innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability in the digital space. [Learn more]( about our mission to improve the web.