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'use strict';

RMModule.factory('RMBuilderRelations', ['$injector', 'inflector', '$log', 'RMUtils', 'restmod', 'RMPackerCache', function($injector, inflector, $log, Utils, restmod, packerCache) {

  // wraps a hook callback to give access to the $owner object
  function wrapHook(_fun, _owner) {
    return function() {
      var oldOwner = this.$owner;
      this.$owner = _owner;
      try {
        return _fun.apply(this, arguments);
      } finally {
        this.$owner = oldOwner;

  // wraps a bunch of hooks
  function applyHooks(_target, _hooks, _owner) {
    for(var key in _hooks) {
      if(_hooks.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        _target.$on(key, wrapHook(_hooks[key], _owner));

   * @class RelationBuilderApi
   * @description
   * Builder DSL extension to build model relations
   * Adds the following property modifiers:
   * * `hasMany` sets a one to many hierarchical relation under the attribute name, maps to {@link RelationBuilderApi#attrAsCollection}
   * * `hasOne` sets a one to one hierarchical relation under the attribute name, maps to {@link RelationBuilderApi#attrAsResource}
   * * `belongsTo` sets a one to one reference relation under the attribute name, maps to {@link RelationBuilderApi#attrAsReference}
   * * `belongsToMany` sets a one to many reference relation under the attribute name, maps to {@link RelationBuilderApi#attrAsReferenceToMany}
  var EXT = {
     * @memberof RelationBuilderApi#
     * @description Registers a model **resources** relation
     * @param {string}  _name Attribute name
     * @param {string|object} _model Other model, supports a model name or a direct reference.
     * @param {string} _url Partial url
     * @param {string} _source Inline resource alias (optional)
     * @param {string} _inverseOf Inverse property name (optional)
     * @param {object} _params Generated collection default parameters
     * @param {object} _hooks Hooks to be applied just to the generated collection
     * @return {BuilderApi} self
    attrAsCollection: function(_attr, _model, _url, _source, _inverseOf, _params, _hooks) {

      var options, globalHooks; // global relation configuration

      this.attrDefault(_attr, function() {

        if(typeof _model === 'string') {
          _model = $injector.get(_model);

          // retrieve global options
          options = _model.getProperty('hasMany', {});
          globalHooks = options.hooks;

          if(_inverseOf) {
            var desc = _model.$$getDescription(_inverseOf);
            if(!desc || desc.relation !== 'belongs_to') {
              $log.warn('Must define an inverse belongsTo relation for inverseOf to work');
              _inverseOf = false; // disable the inverse if no inverse relation is found.

        var scope = this.$buildScope(_model, _url || _model.encodeUrlName(_attr)), col;

        // setup collection
        col = _model.$collection(_params || null, scope);
        if(globalHooks) applyHooks(col, globalHooks, this);
        if(_hooks) applyHooks(col, _hooks, this);

        // set inverse property if required.
        if(_inverseOf) {
          var self = this;
          col.$on('after-add', function(_obj) {
            _obj[_inverseOf] = self;

        return col;

      if(_source || _url) this.attrMap(_attr, _source || _url);

      this.attrDecoder(_attr, function(_raw) {
            this[_attr].$reset().$decode(_raw || []);
          .attrMask(_attr, Utils.WRITE_MASK)
          .attrMeta(_attr, { relation: 'has_many' });

      return this;

     * @memberof RelationBuilderApi#
     * @description Registers a model **resource** relation
     * @param {string}  _name Attribute name
     * @param {string|object} _model Other model, supports a model name or a direct reference.
     * @param {string} _url Partial url (optional)
     * @param {string} _source Inline resource alias (optional)
     * @param {string} _inverseOf Inverse property name (optional)
     * @param {object} _hooks Hooks to be applied just to the instantiated record
     * @return {BuilderApi} self
    attrAsResource: function(_attr, _model, _url, _source, _inverseOf, _hooks) {

      var options, globalHooks; // global relation configuration

      this.attrDefault(_attr, function() {

        if(typeof _model === 'string') {
          _model = $injector.get(_model);

          // retrieve global options
          options = _model.getProperty('hasOne', {});
          globalHooks = options.hooks;

          if(_inverseOf) {
            var desc = _model.$$getDescription(_inverseOf);
            if(!desc || desc.relation !== 'belongs_to') {
              $log.warn('Must define an inverse belongsTo relation for inverseOf to work');
              _inverseOf = false; // disable the inverse if no inverse relation is found.

        var scope = this.$buildScope(_model, _url || _model.encodeUrlName(_attr)), inst;

        // setup record
        inst = _model.$new(null, scope);
        if(globalHooks) applyHooks(inst, globalHooks, this);
        if(_hooks) applyHooks(inst, _hooks, this);

        if(_inverseOf) {
          inst[_inverseOf] = this;

        return inst;

      if(_source || _url) this.attrMap(_attr, _source || _url);

      this.attrDecoder(_attr, function(_raw) {
            this[_attr].$decode(_raw || {}); // TODO: null _raw should clear the object properties
          .attrMask(_attr, Utils.WRITE_MASK)
          .attrMeta(_attr, { relation: 'has_one' });

      return this;

     * @memberof RelationBuilderApi#
     * @description Registers a model **reference** relation.
     * A reference relation expects the host object to provide the primary key of the referenced object or the referenced object itself (including its key).
     * For example, given the following resource structure with a foreign key:
     * ```json
     * {
     *   user_id: 20
     * }
     * ```
     * Or this other structure with inlined data:
     * ```json
     * {
     *   user: {
     *     id: 30,
     *     name: 'Steve'
     *   }
     * }
     * ```
     * You should define the following model:
     * ```javascript
     * restmod.model('/bikes', {
     *   user: { belongsTo: 'User' } // works for both cases detailed above
     * })
     * ```
     * The object generated by the relation is not scoped to the host object, but to it's base class instead (not like hasOne),
     * so the type should not be nested.
     * Its also posible to override the **foreign key name**.
     * When a object containing a belongsTo reference is encoded for a server request, only the primary key value is sent using the
     * same **foreign key name** that was using on decoding. (`user_id` in the above example).
     * @param {string}  _name Attribute name
     * @param {string|object} _model Other model, supports a model name or a direct reference.
     * @param {string} _key foreign key property name (optional, defaults to _attr + '_id').
     * @param {bool} _prefetch if set to true, $fetch will be automatically called on relation object load.
     * @return {BuilderApi} self
    attrAsReference: function(_attr, _model, _key, _prefetch) {

      this.attrDefault(_attr, null)
          .attrMask(_attr, Utils.WRITE_MASK)
          .attrMeta(_attr, { relation: 'belongs_to' });

      function loadModel() {
        if(typeof _model === 'string') {
          _model = $injector.get(_model);

      // TODO: the following code assumes that attribute is at root level! (when uses this[_attr] or this[_attr + 'Id'])

      // inline data handling
      this.attrDecoder(_attr, function(_raw) {
        if(_raw === null) return null;
        if(!this[_attr] || this[_attr].$pk !== _model.inferKey(_raw)) {
          this[_attr] = _model.$buildRaw(_raw);
        } else {

      // foreign key handling
      if(_key !== false) {
        this.attrMap(_attr + 'Id', _key || '*', true) // set a forced mapping to always generate key
            .attrDecoder(_attr + 'Id', function(_value) {
              if(_value === undefined) return;
              if(!this[_attr] || this[_attr].$pk !== _value) {
                if(_value !== null && _value !== false) {
                  this[_attr] = packerCache.resolve(_model.$new(_value)); // resolve inmediatelly if cached
                  if(_prefetch) this[_attr].$fetch();
                } else {
                  this[_attr] = null;
            .attrEncoder(_attr + 'Id', function() {
              return this[_attr] ? this[_attr].$pk : null;

      return this;

     * @memberof RelationBuilderApi#
     * @description Registers a model **reference** relation.
     * A reference relation expects the host object to provide the primary key of the referenced objects or the referenced objects themselves (including its key).
     * For example, given the following resource structure with a foreign key array:
     * ```json
     * {
     *   users_ids: [20, 30]
     * }
     * ```
     * Or this other structure with inlined data:
     * ```json
     * {
     *   users: [{
     *     id: 20,
     *     name: 'Steve'
     *   },{
     *     id: 30,
     *     name: 'Pili'
     *   }]
     * }
     * ```
     * You should define the following model:
     * ```javascript
     * restmod.model('/bikes', {
     *   users: { belongsToMany: 'User' } // works for both cases detailed above
     * })
     * ```
     * The object generated by the relation is not scoped to the host object, but to it's base class instead (unlike hasMany),
     * so the referenced type should not be nested.
     * When a object containing a belongsToMany reference is encoded for a server request, only the primary key value is sent for each object.
     * @param {string}  _name Attribute name
     * @param {string|object} _model Other model, supports a model name or a direct reference.
     * @param {string} _keys Server name for the property that holds the referenced keys in response and request.
     * @return {BuilderApi} self
    attrAsReferenceToMany: function(_attr, _model, _keys) {

      this.attrDefault(_attr, function() { return []; })
          .attrMask(_attr, Utils.WRITE_MASK)
          .attrMeta(_attr, { relation: 'belongs_to_many' });

      // TODO: the following code assumes that attribute is at root level! (when uses this[_attr])

      function loadModel() {
        if(typeof _model === 'string') {
          _model = $injector.get(_model);

      function processInbound(_raw, _ref) {
        _ref.length = 0;
        // TODO: reuse objects that do not change (compare $pks)
        for(var i = 0, l = _raw.length; i < l; i++) {
          if(typeof _raw[i] === 'object') {
          } else {

      // inline data handling
      this.attrDecoder(_attr, function(_raw) {
        // TODO: if _keys == _attr then inbound data will be processed twice!
        if(_raw) processInbound(_raw, this[_attr]);

      // foreign key handling
      if(_keys !== false) {
        var attrIds = inflector.singularize(_attr) + 'Ids';
        this.attrMap(attrIds, _keys || '*', true)
            .attrDecoder(attrIds, function(_raw) {
              if(_raw) processInbound(_raw, this[_attr]);
            .attrEncoder(attrIds, function() {
              var result = [], others = this[_attr];
              for(var i = 0, l = others.length; i < l; i++) {
              return result;

      return this;

  return restmod.mixin(function() {
    this.extend('attrAsCollection', EXT.attrAsCollection, ['hasMany', 'path', 'source', 'inverseOf', 'params', 'hooks']) // TODO: rename source to map, but disable attrMap if map is used here...
        .extend('attrAsResource', EXT.attrAsResource, ['hasOne', 'path', 'source', 'inverseOf', 'hooks'])
        .extend('attrAsReference', EXT.attrAsReference, ['belongsTo', 'key', 'prefetch'])
        .extend('attrAsReferenceToMany', EXT.attrAsReferenceToMany, ['belongsToMany', 'keys']);
