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== vaulty - Vault CLI on steriods


=== Global Options
=== --help
Show this message

=== --version
Display the program version

=== Commands
==== Command: <tt>add </tt>
Add a new key/value to the given path, multiple "key:value" can be provided

===== Options
===== --file|-f key:/path/file.ext

Key/File to be uploaded

[Default Value] None

===== --secret|-s key:secret

Key/Values to save

[Default Value] None

==== Command: <tt>delete </tt>
Deletes everything under the path recursively

==== Command: <tt>help  command</tt>
Shows a list of commands or help for one command

Gets help for the application or its commands. Can also list the commands in a way helpful to creating a bash-style completion function
===== Options
===== -c
List commands one per line, to assist with shell completion

==== Command: <tt>remove </tt>
Removes a specific key under the path

===== Options
===== --key|-k arg

key to remove

[Default Value] None

==== Command: <tt>tree </tt>
Represents the path as a tree